2025 Special Event Application
2025 Events. Sections I, II and III have questions which need to be completed a minimum of 90 days in advance. These are marked with a red asterisk.
You may answer the additional questions at the time of application if you know the answers. However, you may also provide those answers at a later date. Please provide as much detail as you know today.
ONCE YOUR APPLICATION IS RECEIVED: the Special Events office will be in touch with you to update details as the timeline progresses.
If you are closing any streets, sidewalks or alleys you will be asked to upload files. This is required for a completed application. Payment - currently payments are only accepted by cash or check. We will reach out to you via automated email regarding your permit fee. The email will come from "Smartsheet". For additional information: https://www.stpaul.gov/sites/default/files/2021-09/Special%20Events%20Guidebook%202021.pdf
There are TWO ways to have amplified sound. An amplified sound permit OR a sound level variance. Please visit the website to determine which one you need. https://www.stpaul.gov/departments/safety-inspections/open-operate-expand-business/business-licenses-and-permits/amplified
Call 651-266-5629 or email (preferred) storme.dunn@ci.stpaul.mn.us with any questions.