2025 Special Event Application

2025 Events. Sections I, II and III have questions which need to be completed a minimum of 90 days in advance. These are marked with a red asterisk.

You may answer the additional questions at the time of application if you know the answers. However, you may also provide those answers at a later date. Please provide as much detail as you know today.

ONCE YOUR APPLICATION IS RECEIVED: the Special Events office will be in touch with you to update details as the timeline progresses.

If you are closing any streets, sidewalks or alleys you will be asked to upload files. This is required for a completed application. Payment - currently payments are only accepted by cash or check. We will reach out to you via automated email regarding your permit fee. The email will come from "Smartsheet". For additional information: https://www.stpaul.gov/sites/default/files/2021-09/Special%20Events%20Guidebook%202021.pdf

There are TWO ways to have amplified sound. An amplified sound permit OR a sound level variance. Please visit the website to determine which one you need. https://www.stpaul.gov/departments/safety-inspections/open-operate-expand-business/business-licenses-and-permits/amplified

Call 651-266-5629 or email (preferred) storme.dunn@ci.stpaul.mn.us with any questions.

Section I: Organizer Details

(Main contact person)

Number and Street


Section II: Event Details

Is the event more than one day (consecutive days or part of a series)? (REQUIRED):*

If yes, fees will be calculated per day. ***Please list additional dates and times below

Has this event been held in the City before?*

Were there any problems you knew about or weren't happy with during last years event? Please list those below. If there were no issues, type "NA" in the text field.

Times - Please enter only ONE time (no ranges)

Actual event start time. Please designate AM or PM

Actual event end time. Please designate AM or PM

If set up time is necessary, what time will setup begin? Please designate AM or PM

If take-down time is necessary, what time will this be completed? Please designate AM or PM

At what time will the first road be closed for the event. Please designate AM or PM

What is the latest time the last road will open? Please designate AM or PM

Section III: Event Location

Will a street(s) be closed? (REQUIRED):*

If yes, please read the instructions in the file upload (next). Incomplete applications will NOT be processed.

ALL events MUST upload a map of the event area to include street closures (no hand drawn maps). All events are required to fill out the petition found on the website application page. The petition can be emailed to storme.dunn@ci.stpaul.mn.us at a later date, but MUST be received 30 days prior to the event. *** Multiple files can be uploaded, but they need to be selected one at a time. Click upload, select the file name and then click open. Repeat for each additional file.

Drag and drop files here or

If this is a General Block Club Party, Community Festival or Public Assembly identify the main street to be closed (for Parades and Athletic Events see route).

What are the cross streets (ends of the main street to be closed, such as Dale and Victoria)?

If this is a parade, athletic event or march please list the route (major streets). "See Map" is NOT an acceptable response.

If streets are being closed what vendor is supplying the barricades? *** Barricade type and placement plan must be approved during the application processing. Public Works does NOT supply barricades for special events as parade boards are generally not sufficient for closing significant throughway streets.

*** Number ONLY. Estimated number of attendees AND spectators per day.

Section IV: Event Specifics

The only question required to be answered 90 days prior is whether you would need a Sound Level Variance. If you are unable to answer the other questions today, we will reach out to you as the timeline progresses to request updates.

Will any form of sound amplification be used? (REQUIRED):*

(speakers, megaphones, DJ, etc) if so, a permit is required by DSI and needs to be turned in 60 DAYS prior to the event.

Will firearms (including starter pistols) be used?
Will any tents larger than 10 x 10 be used?
Will any person or vendor be using propane?

Quantities larger than 100 aggregate pounds on the ground

Will any generators or additional power supplies be used?

Hand held/portable generators are exempt

Will there be any carnival rides?
Will there be any temporary structures used?

(stages over 30 inches, bleachers over 54 inches, scaffolding, towers, etc)

Will any fireworks be displayed?
Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Will there be any form of charitable gambling?
Will alcohol be sold or given away?
Will food be sold or given away?
Will any part of the event take place on a city Park?

*** Fees apply

Will parking meters need to be hooded?*

*** Fees apply

Special Events are charged $10 per meter per day for hooding.

Not how many you need, but the actual number that is listed on the meter itself. You may have to physically go to the area of the meters you need to hood and gather the numbers for the specific meters and list them here.

Will "No Parking" signs need to be posted?

*** Fees apply

The signs are $3 each.

Ideally you would place one sign every 25 feet. Please indicated the number you want to order below. You will be contacted for payment.

Will you have a waste/recycling plan?*

SPPD is always trying to recruit new officer candidates from our community. Would you be open to welcoming one of our recruitment teams to your event?

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Agreement (REQUIRED):*

Hold Harmless - By granting a permit, the City assumes no responsibility in any way for the acts or omissions of event organizers, event attendees, or third parties and the City’s issuance of a permit is in no way an endorsement or assumption of liability for any permitted event. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its appointed and elective officers and employees, from and against all loss of expense, including but not limited to judgments, settlements, attorney’s fees and costs by reason of any and all claims and demands upon the City Saint Paul, its elected or appointed officials or employees directly or indirectly arising out of the permit issue hereunder for the event scheduled. Applicant also assumes all legal responsibility for their own negligence or omissions in regards to other participants in this event. Please view the full agreement here: https://www.stpaul.gov/sites/default/files/Media%20Root/Police/Agreement%20and%20Certification%2012.4.18.pdf