2025 Residential Block Club Application
2025 Applications ONLY *** PLEASE NOTE: EVENTS MUST END AT SUNSET Please ensure your application submission is complete. If your application is incomplete it will NOT be processed. ***If you are closing any streets, sidewalks or alleys you will be asked to upload a file. This is required for a completed application. If you have questions, please email storme.dunn@ci.stpaul.mn.us.
There is no fee if:
(1) No food or beverages are sold to the public; (2) The street, sidewalk or alley involved is totally residential in nature and does not cover an area greater than one (1) city block in length; (3) The event is held between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and SUNSET; and (4) Application for a permit is made at least THIRTY (30) calendar days prior to the event.
If you are using Public Works to provide your barricades, you will not hear from them prior to drop off. They receive automated notifications from SPPD and will drop barricades a day or two prior to the event (or day before if not on a weekend) at the corners of the block to be closed. You will be billed for the barricades by Public Works after the event. There is a fee for lost or stolen barricades, so if you are concerned about this as a possibility, please email jeffrey.reinsberg@ci.stpaul.mn.us to provide an exact address for pick up.
Please be aware that residential block club parties are for residents of that block ONLY. If you are hosting individuals from outside your neighborhood (the event is advertised and open to the public), you need to use a SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT. This is the application link: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/f3621b47ac2347f89242748e159b0b63. If you have questions please call 651-266-5629. Thank you