Petition for Proficiency Validation in a Language Not Taught at Northwestern

If you have proficiency in a language not taught at Northwestern and are seeking proficiency validation to fulfill the Weinberg College two-year language proficiency requirement, please submit this form.

If you attended a high school where a language other than English was the primary language of instruction, you may not need to complete this form. Instead, please submit the Petition for Proficiency Validation Non-English High School. You will be informed if further testing is needed.


Complete all sections and submit this petition no later than 4 PM on the last day to drop a course (See the Academic Calendar) during your first quarter (i.e., fall, winter, or spring) on campus. Incomplete petitions will not be processed.

A test will be administered if a qualified tester is found. If the Language Proficiency Committee is unable to find a qualified tester in one year, you must find another way to complete the language proficiency requirement. When you are notified of tester availability and are asked to schedule a test, you must complete the test before the end of the quarter of the notification. If you have any questions about the petition process, please contact the Weinberg Language Resource Center at <>

Did you graduate from a high school where the primary language instruction was not English?

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Please read the following statements and type ‘I agree’ in lieu of your signature below.

  1. A test will be administered only if a qualified tester is found within a year from today. If a qualified tester is not found, you need to find another way to complete the language proficiency requirement.
  2. When the Language Proficiency Committee contacts you to obtain more information, notifies you of tester availability, etc., you need to respond in a timely manner (i.e., within one week of receipt of an email from the Committee).
  3. You must complete the test before the end of the quarter (i.e., the end of the final exam week) in which you receive the notification of tester availability and a request for scheduling the test. If you fail to do so, you will need to find another way to complete the language proficiency requirement.
  4. If a test cannot be scheduled due to your failure to communicate with the Committee in a timely manner (as described in #2 above), you will need to find another way to complete the language proficiency requirement.
  5. One make-up or reschedule is allowed for an emergency situation. Please notify the Language Proficiency Committee when you need to reschedule your exam. If you fail to complete the make-up or rescheduled exam, you need to find another way to fulfill the language proficiency requirement.

This is NOT your major/minor Adviser.

Please choose your expected term of graduation

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Please indicate your expected year of graduation. (20XX)

Your home school at Northwestern.

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Please specify your home school.

Language for which you seek proficiency evaluation.

What is your purpose for requesting this test?

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Please specify your test purpose

Describe how you acquired proficiency (reading, writing, speaking) in this language. List any language course(s) you took before entering Northwestern as well as any other courses you took that were taught in this language. Include when and where the courses were taken, at what levels, and your course grades. If you acquired your language skills by some other means, such as study abroad, please describe these experiences in reasonable detail.

Please attach any supporting documents you feel will be helpful.

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