College Application for Funding under Apprenticeship Programs at SUNY

STOP! If you are looking to increase amounts for a current apprentice on an executed agreement, please contact your lead campus. You can refer to the SUNY Agreement Amendment Form for more information.

Applications must be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks prior to any scheduled activities. Any activities started prior to application approval are not eligible. Funding may be requested for six activities:

1. Industry Roundtables

2. Pre-apprenticeship

3. Apprentice Related Instruction

4. Curriculum development

5. Hybrid & competency-based assessment tool development

6. Hybrid & competency-based assessment tool administration

Questions for each activity are grouped. At the beginning of each activity area there is a required question to determine if you are applying for that activity. If you are, please complete that activity's questions. If not, move to the next section. There are required questions at the end as well.


Each application for Pre-Apprenticeship for Incumbent Workers and Related Instruction should only include one employer per application.

Financial details are now required through the Budget Worksheet that must be attached to apply for funds.

This form must be completed in its entirety as an incomplete form cannot be saved and returned to at a later time. At the end of this form always check the box for "Send me a copy of my responses." This will acknowledge submission and provide a detailed summary from a Smartsheet email.

Please forward questions or request for additional information to:

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please enter date as YYYYMMDD (20200312)

This is the person who will be the main contact at the college.

Occupation Focus Area*

Please select the occupation focus area for which funding is being requested. Refer to the Occupation By Sector Chart.

If applying for more than one area, submit separate applications.

1. Industry Roundtable - Questions 1A through 1E.

Up to $2000 per roundtable. Apply for amount close to anticipated cost rather than max. A NYSDOL presentation must be included in agenda.

If Industry Roundtable will address multiple occupation focus areas application should be submitted in the “Other” focus area.

Are you Requesting Funding for an Industry Roundtable?*

If yes, complete all questions 1A through 1E. If no, skip to activity 2 (Pre-apprenticeship).

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Refer to the Occupation By Sector Chart.

You may select more than one.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
1C. Will Industry Roundtables(s) be virtual or in-person?*

Clarify the anticipated commence and complete date (month_year).

Select the NYSDOL Representative AND Apprenticeship Business Developer (ABD) who will be presenting at the roundtable. If necessary, please contact the individuals below based on your campus region.

(Western NY)

NYSDOL: Amy Hadfield -

ABD: Kelly Navarro -


NYSDOL: Erin Finster -

ABD: Angelina Blank -

(Capital/Mohawk Valley)

NYSDOL: Erin Finster -

ABD: Kim Thurn -

(Hudson Valley/Southern Tier/Long Island/NYC)

NYSDOL: Dan Paris-

ABD: Jeff Lowther -

2. Pre-Apprenticeship - Questions 2A through 2G.

Up to $1000 per pre-apprentice. A pre-apprenticeship program prepares potential apprentices with the skills necessary to meet entry or progression requirements and/or succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship or career. Pre-apprentices must be considered students at the college for the training activity.

There are two types of pre-apprenticeship programs that SUNY can support:

1) Pre-Apprenticeship Community-Based Training:

A pre-apprenticeship community-based training will be considered successful if the trainee either becomes a registered apprentice or receives a job that aligns to the training. Successful completers may be issued a digital badge. The training outline chart must be filled out and attached at the end of this application.

2) Pre-Apprenticeship Training for Incumbent Workers:

Incumbent worker pre-apprenticeship training will be considered successful if the trainee either becomes a registered apprentice or receives a promotion (new title, an increase in salary, or a shift from part-time to full-time). In this case, pre-apprenticeship funds are intended to support the selection of registered apprentices. A sponsor is required when applying for this funding. This application may only include one employer.

Are You Requesting Pre-Apprenticeship Funds?

If yes, complete all questions 2A through 2G. If no, skip to activity 3 (Related Instruction).

2A. Type of Pre-Apprenticeship Training*

If Community-Based Training, include excel sheet found here and attach at bottom: Click Here

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Please describe the training to be offered. How does this training lead to employment/promotion or apprenticeship? Include community and program partners. Also, indicate the number of trainings that will be run to accommodate these pre-apprentices.

Refer to the Occupation By Sector Chart.

You may select more than one.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
2E. Are the Course(s) Credit or Non-credit?*

Please provide the anticipated commencement and completion date (month_year) for the training. If more than one training activity will take place indicate timeframe for each.

3. Apprentice Related Instruction (RI) - Question 3A through 3G.

Up to $6,000 or $8,000 per Registered Apprentice based on occupation. Please refer to the following charts to ensure application is for for the correct sector and amount. Note that funding is only for approved NYSDOL occupation titles and must be listed on the chart to be eligible for funding. Each application may only include one employer.

Occupation By Sector Chart

Occupation By Amount

Are you Requesting Apprentice Related Instruction Funds?*

If SUNY System contacted you to indicate an apprentice on this application already has an intake completed because the employer received an incentive payment for hiring the apprentice, enter the name(s) of the apprentice(s) below.

Refer to the Occupation By Sector Chart.

You may select more than one.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Refer to the Occupation By Amount chart for guidance.

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Refer to the Occupation By Amount chart for guidance.

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Provide Full Employer Sponsor Name(s) in the box below.

If employer is not the direct sponsor, list both group sponsor and signatory.

Names of apprentices are not required at the time of application. Following agreement execution, college will provide SUNY with NYS Registered Apprentice names associated with this application via this form: Click Here.

3E. Are Courses Credit or Non-Credit?*

Clarify the anticipated commence and complete date (month_year).

4. Curriculum Development - Questions 4A - 4J.

Commensurate with college policy. Cap of $3,500 for a new course and $1,750 for course revision. A sponsor is required when applying for this activity. This can only be used for Related Instruction (RI) not pre-apprenticeship. A sponsor is required when applying for this funding.

Are you Requesting Funding for Curriculum Development?*

If yes, complete all questions 4A through 4J. If no, skip to activity 5 (Hybrid & competency-based assessment tool development).

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Refer to the Occupation By Sector Chart.

You may select more than one.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Course must be connected to an existing or pending RA program. If a group sponsored program, list name(s) of signatory company(ies). Separate each name by a comma.

Include in the description what items from Appendix B on the trade outline(s) will be addressed in each course. If available attach proposed curriculum outline. If curriculum is not being created please indicate N/A.

Include in the description what items from Appendix B on the trade outline(s) will be addressed in each course. Attach current curriculum outline. If curriculum is not being revised please indicate N/A.

Indicate if they are faculty, contractors, subject matter experts, etc. If on-line or hybrid also identify the instructional designer.

Clarify the anticipated commence and complete date (month_year).

By checking this box the college acknowledges that all curriculum development or revisions covered by the Apprenticeship Programs at SUNY will be shared through the SUNY Open Access Repository (SUNY SOAR).

5. Hybrid & Competency-Based Assessment Tool Development - Questions 5A through 5G.

Funding amount determined on a case-by-case basis. A sponsor is required when applying for this funding.

Are you Requesting Funding for Hybrid and Competency-Based Assessment Tool Development?*

If yes, complete all questions 5A through 5G. If no, skip to activity 6 (Hybrid & competency-based assessment tool administration).

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Refer to the Occupation By Sector Chart.

You may select more than one.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

If group sponsor list signatories. Separate each name by a comma.

Include if tool will be written and/or hands-on.

Indicate if they are faculty, contractors, subject matter experts, etc.

Clarify the anticipated commence and complete date (month_year).

6. Hybrid & Competency-Based Assessment Tool Administration - Questions 6A - 6H.

Funding amount determined on a case-by-case basis. A sponsor is required when applying for this funding.

Are you Requesting Funding for Hybrid and Competency-Based Tool Assessment Administration?*

If yes, complete all questions 6A through 6H. If no, skip to total delivery costs all areas.

Enter as numerical digit (i.e. "3" not "three").

Provide breakdown of costs on Budget Worksheet and attach to application.

Refer to the Occupation By Sector Chart.

You may select more than one.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Indicate if they are faculty, contractors, subject matter experts, etc.

Clarify the anticipated commence and complete date (month_year).

This is the total application amount (total activities plus administration) from the Budget Worksheet in Cell J13 which is green.

Budget Worksheet MUST be attached in order to apply for ANY funding area.

If applying for Community-Based Pre-Apprenticeship the training outline chart must be attached.

If providing additional details that did not fit in the space provided upload the document here. Please clearly indicate which question number(s) you are addressing in the attachment. Save the document as a single PDF and use the file naming convention "YYYYMMDD_college name_fundingapp.pdf" such as "20200312_MVCC_fundingapp.pdf" (date should be date of submittal).

Drag and drop files here or