External Review Committee (ERC)

Member Identification Form

There are three types of decennial program review:

  1. Program Review – External Review Committee (ERC) - Complete this form
  2. Program Review – Internal Review Committee (IRC) - Complete the IRC Form
  3. Program Review – Specialized Accreditation - You do not need to complete a form

If you do not know your decennial program review type, refer to the OtP Decennial Program Review Schedule before you proceed.


Step 1: Before selecting possible ERC members unit heads should consult with their faculty and consider the below criteria:

  • ERC members should be nationally or internationally recognized in their academic field
  • ERC members should have experience to understand the operation of an R1 research university
  •  ERC members should have a good sense of the full range of the discipline, especially where there are multiple subfields
  •  ERC members should have a good understanding of current trends in graduate and undergraduate programs and curriculum.
  • Geographic diversity, as well as gender and racial/ethnic diversity, should be considered when preparing the list of reviewers.

Step 2: Submit 8 suggested external reviewers by completing and submitting this form 8 times - once for each reviewer. You will have an option to rank your preferred choices.

  • Submit 4 names that have particular expertise and will focus on the research/scholarship of the unit
  • Submit 4 names that have particular expertise and will focus on student success and learning, especially at the undergraduate level

Step 3: For each suggested reviewer the form will request basic reviewer information, a short biography, and an area of focus (research/scholarship or student success and learning). You will be asked a series of questions to surface any potential conflicts of interest.

Step 4: The Office of the Provost, in collaboration with the unit and the Dean’s office, will select 3 reviewers, with at least one from each of the categories above.

Please check the box below to confirm that you are engaged in decennial program review with an ERC. If you are unsure, refer to the OtP Decennial Program Review schedule.

Respondent Information:

External Reviewer Information

Reviewer Focus Area*
Preferred Invite Rank (Optional)

The OtP will consider who you would prefer as a reviewer when we send invitations. Please rank this reviewer from 1 – highest preference to 8 – lowest preference.

Question 1:*

Has this individual now, or in the past ten years, had a close collaborative relationship with a faculty member of the unit under review?

Question 2:*

Has this individual been employed in any capacity by the unit under review during the past ten years?

Question 3:*

Has the individual been nominated of applied for a position with the unit to be reviewed in the last 10 years?

Question 4:*

Is this individual associated with an organization that may benefit financially from a research project that includes a faculty member from the unit under review?

Question 5:*

Is this individual associated with an organization in which a faculty member from the unit under review is currently a member of the board, a consultant, or has similar conflicts of commitment?

Question 6:*

Are there any circumstances that might be interpreted as a real or perceived conflict of interest for this individual regarding their service as an ERC member for this unit?

If yes to any of the above questions, please explain why you believe this person can serve as an ERC member without bias:

Remember to Submit the Form Again for Eight ERC Candidates