External Review Committee (ERC)
Member Identification Form
There are three types of decennial program review:
- Program Review – External Review Committee (ERC) - Complete this form
- Program Review – Internal Review Committee (IRC) - Complete the IRC Form
- Program Review – Specialized Accreditation - You do not need to complete a form
If you do not know your decennial program review type, refer to the OtP Decennial Program Review Schedule before you proceed.
Step 1: Before selecting possible ERC members unit heads should consult with their faculty and consider the below criteria:
- ERC members should be nationally or internationally recognized in their academic field
- ERC members should have experience to understand the operation of an R1 research university
- ERC members should have a good sense of the full range of the discipline, especially where there are multiple subfields
- ERC members should have a good understanding of current trends in graduate and undergraduate programs and curriculum.
- Geographic diversity, as well as gender and racial/ethnic diversity, should be considered when preparing the list of reviewers.
Step 2: Submit 8 suggested external reviewers by completing and submitting this form 8 times - once for each reviewer. You will have an option to rank your preferred choices.
- Submit 4 names that have particular expertise and will focus on the research/scholarship of the unit
- Submit 4 names that have particular expertise and will focus on student success and learning, especially at the undergraduate level
Step 3: For each suggested reviewer the form will request basic reviewer information, a short biography, and an area of focus (research/scholarship or student success and learning). You will be asked a series of questions to surface any potential conflicts of interest.
Step 4: The Office of the Provost, in collaboration with the unit and the Dean’s office, will select 3 reviewers, with at least one from each of the categories above.