Internal Review Committee (IRC)

Member Identification Form

There are three types of decennial program review:

  1. Program Review – External Review Committee (ERC) - Complete the ERC Form
  2. Program Review – Internal Review Committee (IRC) - Complete this form
  3. Program Review – Specialized Accreditation - You do not need to complete a form

If you do not know your decennial program review type, refer to the OtP Decennial Program Review Schedule before you proceed.


Third party review of academic programs is an essential part of program review. Most programs undergo an external review process where experts from outside institutions bring knowledge of the larger context of the discipline and peer programs and provide an unencumbered evaluation of the unit/program. In some cases, the characteristics of a program make it better suited to undergo an internal review process. For example:

- Few or no degrees awarded

- Few or no faculty with primary home in the unit

Characteristics like these make an extensive external review process less necessary. For these reasons, your program has been selected to undergo an internal review process to be completed by an internal review committee (IRC). This is not meant to diminish the importance of the unit to the university or the importance of program review for the unit.

Internal Review Committee (IRC) Process Overview:

The goal of the internal review committee (IRC) process is to bring third party expertise from programs/departments that are similarly structured to provide a candid assessment of a program’s performance with a focus on student learning and achievement, especially on closing equity gaps where they exist. The IRC process should assist the unit in selecting priority areas of focus that will drive continuous improvement for several years following program review. The IRC process will consist of the following elements:

1) Review of the program Self-Study Report

2) Interviews with dean, department chairs, faculty, staff and students

3) Development and submission of an IRC report containing an assessment and set of recommendations for the unit

Internal Review Committee (IRC) Selection Process:

In consultation with your associate or divisional dean, your unit will select six potential internal reviewers from programs that are similarly structured (e.g. are small in size and have only affiliated faculty). These reviewers should be from outside of your department/program area. The Office of the Provost (OtP) in collaboration with the associate or divisional dean will select two reviewers from the list that you provide to make up the IRC for your program. The OtP will schedule interviews for winter or spring of next academic year.

Please complete the following form six times to select six potential IRC members.

Respondent Information:

Please check the box below to confirm that you are engaged in decennial program review with an IRC. If you are unsure, refer to the OtP Decennial Program Review Schedule.

Internal Reviewer Information

Reviewer Focus Area*
Preferred Invite Rank (Optional)

The OtP will consider who you would prefer as a reviewer when we send invitations. Please rank this reviewer from 1 – highest preference to 6 – lowest preference.

Remember to Complete the Form Again for Six IRC Candidates