Laboratory Decommissioning

This form is to be completed by the Principal Investigator (PI)/Responsible Person of the lab that is being decommissioned or by the designee. Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) will use the completed checklist during the laboratory decommissioning inspection to verify that all hazards have been removed from the laboratory and/or that ownership of remaining hazards has been appropriately transferred to another party. This process should be started at least three months before vacating the chemical-use room/laboratory to allow ample time to dispose of all materials properly. Upon completion of a successful decommissioning inspection by EH&S, you will be issued a Laboratory Decommissioning Clearance Authorization.

General Information


(if applicable)

(if applicable)

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Reason for Decommissioning*

Radioactive Materials

1. If radioactive materials and/or x-ray producing*

device was present or used, TAMU-CC's Radiation Safety Officer was contacted and a closeout survey completed.

2. If a laser was present or used in the lab,*

TAMU-CC's Radiation Safety Officer was contacted and a Laser Permit Amendment form has been completed.

3. If biological material was present or used,*

TAMU-CC's Office of Research Compliance (ORC) was contacted.

Controlled Substances/Chemical Compounds

4. All controlled substances have been discarded*

or relocated appropriately. Abandonment of a controlled substance is a violation of the Drug Enforcement Agency's (DEA) requirements. (NOTE: Special procedures may be required by the DEA and by the Food and Drug Administration.)

5. All chemical compounds, reagents, and samples*

were removed from refrigerators, freezers, cold rooms, storage rooms, closets, etc., including common areas. In shared laboratories, all PI's/Responsible Persons must agree upon what id disposed, transferred, and /or left behind.

5a. All chemicals targeted for hazardous waste*

disposal were removed by the following EH&S guidelines. Under no circumstances may any hazardous chemical be disposed of down drains or into regular trash receptacles.

5b. Usable chemicals were transferred to another*

person in your department and/or location on the TAMU-CC campus and that department representative will be responsible for the proper storage, usage and disposal of the materials. Fill out the Laboratory Material Transfer form below.

5c. Chemicals and samples were transferred to an*

off campus location and have been appropriately package for the transfer by a department representative trained in hazmat shipping.

List or upload a list of any chemicals that have been transferred to another owner.

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Chemical and samples that will be transferred

to a laboratory at another location on the TAMU-CC campus or to an off-campus location have been appropriately packaged for transfer. A department representative trained in hazmat shipping have been consulted and, when necessary, have authorized transfer.


All glassware was cleaned and packed according to the Departmental Instructions.

6. All non-contaminated broken glassware was

placed in a lined, sturdy box that was taped shut and labeled "BROKEN GLASS", and placed in the dumpster for regular trash disposal.

6a. Broken glassware that was contaminated

has been decontaminated as appropriate for the hazard prior to disposal in the dumpster and/or has been disposed as per EH&S guidelines.


Sharps have been removed and appropriately disposed.

7. Non-biohazards sharps were collected

in either a sturdy, puncture resistant container and encapsulated, or in a purchased sharps disposal container (defaced to remove the biohazard label) with a locking lid. The sealed container was placed in the dumpster for proper disposal.

7a. Sharps (needles, scalpel blades, razor blades,

broken glass, pipette tips, Pasteur pipettes, etc.) contaminated with biohazardous materials were disposed per EH&S guidelines.

Compressed Gas Cylinders

All compressed gas cylinders were returned to suppliers. If cylinders are non-returnable, EH&S was contacted for removal.

8. All compressed gas cylinders were returned to

suppliers. If cylinders are non-returnable, EH&S was contacted for removal.

Laboratory Equipment

9. All lab equipment (fume hoods, biological,

safety cabinets, refrigerators, incubators, ovens, etc.) and areas where chemicals or biological agents were used or stored (e.g., cabinets, shelves, benchtops, etc.) were cleaned or decontaminated with soap and water, a 5% calcium or sodium bicarbonate wash, 10% bleach, or another approved disinfectant, as appropriate for the respective chemical and/or biological agent(s) used.

9a. If the Biological Safety Cabinet will be

relocated, it was decontaminated per the EH&S requirements.

9b. All trash and debris have been removed from

floors, bench tops, cabinets, drawers, and fume hoods.

10. Prior to discarding laboratory equipment,

the following items were removed: a. capacitors or transformers (in high-voltage generating equipment) b. mercury from lab apparatus c. mercury switches and thermometers d. refrigerant fluids containing chlorofluorocarbons (in freezers and refrigerators) e. Radioactive sources and chemicals

11. The only items remaining are those requested

by the new tenant and they are tagged with his/her name.

12. No items/equipment have been left in the


13. All emergency contact information and signage

for specific hazards were removed

Attach chemical list, photos and any supporting documents

Drag and drop files here or

Laboratory Decommissioning Clearance Authorization

A decommissioning survey has been performed by the Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) on the laboratory space(s) listed above. The following officials have also completed closeout surveys for the identified spaces.

Office of Biosafety
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EH&S's Biological Safety Program

Based on visual inspection of the identified area(s), information submitted to EH&S by the person responsible for those areas, and/or verification of hazard removal by the above groups, the status of the laboratory space is a follows. Check the appropriate response.

and is cleared for reassignment to a new researcher; for re-occupancy as a non-laboratory space; or for construction, renovation, remediation, and/or abatement.

follow-up survey completed before the laboratory space may be re-assigned.

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