Waste Removal Request

For questions regarding your waste, contact Rodney Lopez at 361-825-5585.

EFFECTIVE November 1, 2024

Requestors will not be able to submit hazardous waste removal requests to have wastes removed from laboratories until the laboratory has been properly registered with EHS and provided a current chemical inventory for the lab.

Requestor Information


Select type of waste you would like to dispose?

Type of Waste*

Hazardous Waste

Waste will ONLY be picked up on Thursday and Fridays. If you need hazardous waste labels contact Rodney at 361-825-5585.

All of the categories below must be answered for each of the waste containers you are requesting for disposal.

Haz Waste source*

Laboratory Information

Universal Waste

Industrial Waste

(For Hazardous waste, your registered lab, is where the waste should be located)

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Caret IconCaret symbol
Caret IconCaret symbol

list if this is a Research lab.

Does this contain biological waste?*
Is Chemical Single or Mixed?*

For mixed chemicals, please list all chemicals names and percentage. Waste will not be picked up if information is missing.

ex (123456/SAFE)

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please look up the CAS # via this link! - CAS # Lookup

Please enter CAS # ONLY


(for Universal and Industrial waste)

Caret IconCaret symbol

(for Universal and Industrial waste)

Universal Waste Type*
Battery type*

List all that apply for the same type battery. (ex: Lithium 18v)

Physical Property*
Unit(s) of Measure*
Container Type*

(example: aprons, gloves, empty containers)

Reacts with*

(choose all that apply)

Give details about the waste you are disposing.

Give details about the waste you are disposing.

Additional comments or information about this request may entered in this section.

This form only allows for one single chemical or chemical mixture entry at a time.

  • New fields will reload after you submit your original form and allow you to enter additional items.

  • After you have entered all the items needed submit your form and close the page.

For questions contact EHS at 361-825-5555 or ehs@tamucc.edu.

Drag and drop files here or