Home Health Provider Change Request
**Once the change is made, we CANNOT revert the change back to the original information. Please ensure you are supplying the correct information as this could result in claims payment issues.**
*Providers must notify Carelon of changes such as: Change in physical location address, closure of physical locations, change in name, change in Tax ID and/or National Provider Identifier (NPI). *
*Change of Ownership requires an official notice letter on a company letter head be attached to the request.
*Updated Tax ID requires an updated W9*
*A new legal name and/or remit changes require the validation of current information and an attached W9*
**To add additional locations please complete the Agency Information Form located at this link provided here:
***For Fax and Phone Updates, please submit complete the Provider Fax Confirmation form here: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/cd75eea28640495a96a741eb0ff54728***
*All current information must be provided to submit a change. If not supplied, the request will not be processed.*