Iowa Space Grant Consortium Faculty Report

Thank you for filling out your ISGC report! We use this data to report our progress to NASA. Please try to fill it out as completely as possible, as this has implications for future funding availability.

We strongly recommend checking the "Send me a copy of my responses" button at the end of the form. If you do not receive a copy after submission (check your "junk" folder), email

Progress reports are due February 28. Final report deadline is due per award notification. Please reference for specific date.

As a reminder, please have any student that worked with this project complete the Student Participant Form, found here:

Collaborators (faculty, research, or industry) need to complete the Participant Data form found here (please share this form as needed):

Please Note: At the request of NASA portions of your report may be shared with them directly.

Report Type*
Caret IconCaret symbol

This information is used for cost share reporting.

Caret IconCaret symbol
Role on Project?*

Please upload the following in the "uploads" box below:

Photos with captions (if people are included – release forms are needed – Media Release Form) or Figures with captions referenced in your project accomplishments narrative.

We still very much want to see visual representations of the amazing work you accomplished!

If you expect to be funded by ISGC in additional years, please indicate your future goals and expected outcomes.

We love to tell your story! Provide input regarding your research and educational experiences from the current grant. Please include significant student achievement/s resulting from project involvement. Consider a quote mentioning how this funding helped to enhance your research, and/or a quote from your student/s that highlights his/her accomplishments.

We would love to know about it! Please list the URL here.

Participant Data

Please make sure your team members and students have completed the ISGC Participant Data Form, found here:

Please check if your project involved any of the following, including yourself:

List the first and last names of students who received at least $3,000/yr from this award.

List the first and last names of students who spent significant time on this project.

Sometimes students can be significantly impacted by a project - even if they don't spend 160 hours on it - or receive more than $3000 for working on it. Examples include changing majors, solidifying a career choice, etc.

If you have students that significantly were impacted by this project, please tell us a bit more about that here. Please be sure to include their first and last name.

Products, Publications, and Patents

Check the boxes below for the particular deliverables resulting from this research/project.

Please provide full citations to your publications in APA format. If accessible, please also provide a link to the article.

Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals - Please note: Researchers submitting NASA-funded articles in peer-reviewed journals shall make their work accessible to the public through NASA's PubSpace at:

Engagement Affiliations are collaborators (funded and unfunded) including government agencies, industry, formal and information education institutions, including museums, service centers, planetariums, youth-serving organizations, non-profit, and other education organizations.

(total for all publications/presentations)

(total for all publications/presentations)

(total for all publications/presentations)

Did your project hold any virtual student engagement/outreach events aimed at raising awareness of NASA STEM Engagement activities?

Please complete the Outreach Event form so we can show NASA your project's impact!

Provide application number, date submitted, inventor name(s), and title.

Provide patent number, date issued, inventor name(s), and title.

Please upload photos or figures related to your accomplishments narrative above here.

We use photos like yours to show our Congressional representatives the impact of the Iowa Space Grant on the state and STEM.

Please make sure that any recognizable person(s) in your pictures have completed a photo release form, found here:

Drag and drop files here or

If you would like specific captions for the photos submitted, please indicate below.

By checking the box below, I acknowledge that this project/material is based upon work supported by the Iowa Space Grant Consortium under NASA Award No. 80NSSC20M0107.