Iowa Space Grant Consortium Student Participation Form

Thank you for taking the time to complete this student participation form for ISGC! We report to NASA the impact our program has on Iowa students, the state, and STEM fields.

Please also complete the Photo Authorization and Release Form for ISGC.

We appreciate your time in completing these forms! Good luck on your project/award!

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Are you a U.S. Citizen?*


Academic Affiliate*

If you are unsure, please ask your mentor/advisor which program you are involved in. See more information on Base Programs and Student Experiential Hands-On Projects below.

Base Programs:

Drake University

1. Biomarkers for Radiation-Induced DNA Damage during Human Space Exploration

PI: Dr. Pramod Mahajan

2. Conceptual Design and Study of a Mangeto-Ionization Radiation Shield and Artificial Gravity System for Interplanetary Travel – The MISSFIT Collaboration

PI: Dr. Athanasios Petridis

Iowa State University

1. Nanomaterials for Advanced Manufacturing and Aeronautics (NAMA)

PI: Dr. Shan Jiang

2. Examining Aerospace Engineering Students’ Learning Experiences

PI: Professor Matthew Nelson

University of Iowa

Infrastructure for Data-Advanced Research and Education (I-DARE) to improve NASA’s Earth Science applications in Iowa

PI: Dr. Jun Wang

University of Northern Iowa

Wind Cave as a Terrestrial Analog for Possible Exobiological Environments off Earth

PI: Dr. Joshua Sebree

Student Experiential Hands-On Project:

Select only if you are part of a team that was funded for a student team hands-on project through the ISGC annual competition

If you are not 100% sure, please contact your project lead or mentor. This ensures our reporting database remains accurate.

If you have selected more than one ISGC program above please specify and provide the Program or Project name for each ISGC program selected.

Faculty Mentor (PI) name (a.k.a who gave this link) (not the "participant" filling this form)

SHO Participants: Faculty (PI) that is mentoring your team, not your project lead

Interns: Please list your NASA/hosting organization mentor

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Current Address:

Select or enter value
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Is your current address the same as your permanent address?*

If no, please provide permanent address below.

Current Academic Level*

Please include email address after name.

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Final Education Goal*
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Do you have a profile on the NASA STEM Gateway System?

What is NASA STEM Gateway? - On this site, you’ll find current available NASA opportunities in the areas of internships, challenges, research, educator professional development, and Pre-college and College STEM experiences.

Please note that NASA Gateway does not have ISGC opportunities posted at this time. Stay tuned! - this does not affect your current involvement with the Iowa Space Grant Consortium.

Select or enter value
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Please provide the email that you have your NASA STEM Gateway profile under.


Please complete the following to self-report demographics for NASA data collection and reporting systems.

NASA's goal in advancing equity, in line with President Biden's Executive Order, is to provide everyone with the opportunity to reach their full potential. This includes efforts to remove systemic barriers to and provide equal access to opportunities and benefits, identify communities the Federal Government has underserved, and develop policies designed to advance equity for those communities.


Please indicate which sex was assigned to you on your birth certificate.

Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community?

Please check which best describes you: (You may select more than one.)

First Generation

Are you the first person to attend college in your immediate family?

Did you grow up in a rural community?

Rural is defined as a population of <2,500.

Does your family household qualify as low-income?
U.S. Military Service
Do you have a documented disability?
Are you a member of a religious minority in the U.S.?

By checking the box below, you certify that the information you provide in this form is complete and accurate.