Use this form to remove access from an employees SandDollar$ account.

If you have more than one person requiring access removal please attach that list to the bottom of the request.

We need the following on the list:

  1. First and last names
  2. A-Number or UIN   

To request access for a person use the form found HERE

Please enter your name.

Please enter your email address.

Please list the full name of the person you are asking for access to be removed.


Select the appropriate employee category.

If the employee is a Contractor or Other Affiliate Employee, specify the company or organization in the Access Removal Information section of this form.

List the A-Number of the person you want to have access removed.

Please list the patron's UIN if you do not know their A-Number.

Provide information regarding the access removal.

You can specify an access group a building or single door.


1) Remove Jane Smith from the SSC Custodian Access Group.

2) Remove all access from the University Center for John Smith.

3) Remove access from HRI105 for Ms. Jane Doe.

Drag and drop the list of person's you need to have their access removed.

Drag and drop files here or