Local Public Agency Certification Program Application - Section C: Project Delivery Process
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through Stewardship and Oversight Agreement with FHWA, has the flexibility to allow local public agencies (LPAs) to administer transportation projects through the Federal-aid process. However, Caltrans is ultimately responsible and must assure local compliance with all Federal and State laws. The Local Public Agency Certification Qualification Form is for the LPA to demonstrate it meets the qualifications to successfully administer a federal-aid project. This form needs to be updated when there is a change in key personnel or as determined by the DLAE.
The LPA shall designate an LPA Certification Program Liaison and a Person in Responsible Charge. The Program Liaison shall serve as a Quality Control Coordinator for all federal-aid project submittals and a primary point of contact for the LPA. The designated Person in Responsible Charge is responsible for the project and must be a full-time employee of the LPA; and he/she accepts the responsibilities of the Person in Responsible Charge outlined in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/local-assistance/documents/lapm/ch02.pdf
Submittal Requirements: LPA is required to complete the following four forms to apply for Certification:
LPA must recertify every 3 years. Once an LPA is certified, Project Delivery History, Project Delivery Process, and Civil Rights will only be updated if there are changes.
The LPA must have established and documented practices in accordance with the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) for each of the following administration responsibilities. The LPA must identify the LPA staff member(s), along with contact information, responsible for the management of each process. If using its own process, the LPA will need to provide documented, written processes to the DLAE. *Note: An agreement, evaluation form, checklist, bid package, etc. do not constitute a documented process. These are supplemental items that help establish whether the documented process was followed and should not be submitted as a process.
Numeric identifier for each local agency or administering agency (assigned by the Division of Local Assistance)
Provide name of LPA Certification Program Liaison/Quality Control Coordinator
Provide e-mail address for LPA Certification Program Liaison/Quality Control Coordinator
Provide phone number for LPA Certification Program Liaison/Quality Control Coordinator
Identify the LPA staff member(s) and contact information
Attach policy and invoicing procedures in file upload section
Attach process and templates in file upload section
Attach copy of resolution or equivalent in file upload section
Chapter 10 Consultant Selection (ca.gov)
Attach process in file upload section
*Note: Due to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Assignment, all LPA projects with Federal funds must follow the Environmental Process described in the LAPM. The link to the manual can be found below. Please work with your District LPA personnel through the process.
Chapter 6 Environmental Procedures (ca.gov)
Chapter 12 Plans, Specifications & Estimate
*Note: At this time, all LPA projects with Federal funds must follow Right-of-Way Design and Acquisition Process described in the LAPM. The link to the manuals can be found below. Please work with your District LPA personnel through the process.
Chapter 13 Right of Way (ca.gov)
Right of Way Manual | Caltrans
*Note: At this time, all LPA projects with Federal funds must follow Utility Relocation Process in the LAPM. The link to the manuals can be found below. Please work with your District LPA personnel through the process.
Chapter 14 Utility Relocation
Chapter 16 Administer Construction Contracts (ca.gov)
Note: Templates are available on the Office of Local Program's website, which allows the LPA the flexibility to revise as necessary to follow their administrative structure.
Chapter 5: Contract Administration, Section 4: Disputes | Caltrans
Chapter 15 Advertise and Award Project (ca.gov)
Chapter 17 Project Completion (ca.gov)
Chapter 19 Oversight and Process Reviews (ca.gov)
Note: User is required to select and upload Project Delivery System Organization Chart and Quality Assurance Program to submit form. Additional selections are optional based on responses given above.
Use this section to upload the following documents as applicable. Note: Only 10 files may be uploaded with this submission. To upload additional documents, use the supplemental document form.