Dual Career Funding Request

Please Read Before Completing Form:

Ohio State is committed to enhancing academic excellence. Recruiting, supporting, and retaining faculty of the highest caliber is a core component of this commitment. As part of this commitment, OAA has established a hiring fund to help support dual careers opportunities. If approved, this funding provides up to three years of partial salary support for dual career hires in which a potential or current tenure-track, clinical/teaching/practice, or research faculty member has a spouse or partner who also is interested in an academically focused appointment.

In such cases, the chair or dean of the hiring unit may engage Dual Career and Faculty Relocation (DCFR) to assist with identifying a potential unit(s) of interest for the dual career partner. DCFR can also assist in establishing (in collaboration with both the requesting unit and the potential hiring unit) whether the dual career partner would be given consideration based on appointment criteria in the hiring unit.

This cost-sharing is contingent on the availability of funds, which are reviewed on an annual basis. The remaining salary and all of the benefits will be split between the hiring units, or in the case of a dual career couple being hired into the same unit, assumed by that unit.

Once there is an agreement to offer an appointment, OAA will provide one-third of the initial salary, on a cash basis, for a period of up to three years. The remaining salary and all of the benefits will be split between the hiring units, or in the case of a dual career couple being hired into the same unit, assumed by that unit. The unit making the initial hire is responsible for initiating a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines how the funding will be split and administered.

Units may choose among three funding packages, all equivalent to a year of salary support, excluding benefits:

    -75% of the salary in the 1st year and 25% in the 2nd year

    -50% of the salary in the 1st and 2nd years

    -33% of the salary over each of 3 years

The university does not expect any department/college to hire candidates that do not meet the same quality standards as candidates hired in the receiving department. The process will be conducted with all deliberate speed to reach a final agreement in time to allow a successful recruitment of the faculty candidate. Allocations to this fund are made annually and disbursements are subject to the availability of funds at the time of the request.

This is your Internal College Contact or Administrator (i.e. Unit HR, Unit Faculty Affairs, Unit Fiscal, etc.)

Please contact your Unit Point of Contact with any questions regarding internal unit process

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Or designated approver based on college procedures

Or designated approver based on college procedures

Dual Career Search Waiver Needed?

Please refer to the Search Waiver Request form and complete in addition to this request

If You Need Support

Please contact Sarah Conley (conley.424@osu.edu)