Sponsored Programs Action Notification (SPAN) Form

Per policy, UM faculty and staff should submit a SPAN Form request to the ORSP Division of Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) to:

  • signal intent to propose to an external funding opportunity, or
  • initiate an award action for a pending or existing externally sponsored program (grant or cooperative agreement).

To request instead an action related to a contract or other agreement type, USE THIS OTHER FORM.

Proposal Intention Notifications should be submitted as soon as the PI decides to propose, and no fewer than 30 working days (or about six weeks) before the proposal submission date.

Award Action Notifications should be submitted as early as possible, and no fewer than 30 working days prior to any sponsor-imposed deadline for the action.

Within 2 business days of SPAN submission, you should receive an email from SPA (through Smartsheet) with a ticket number to identify your request, and the name and contact information of the Research Administrator (RA) assigned to the request. To inquire about the status of a SPAN request, contact the assigned RA. If unsure where to direct your inquiry, or if you've not received a response within 2 business days, email research@olemiss.edu.

Note: The UM Transmittal Sheet System (TSS) is the official university electronic routing system for documenting and authorizing external funding proposals prior to submission.


When to Submit a SPAN Form

The SPAN form should be used to:

  • signal intent to propose to an external funding opportunity, or
  • initiate an award action for a pending or existing externally sponsored program (grant or cooperative agreement).

To request instead an action related to a contract or other agreement type, USE THIS OTHER FORM.

Select an action type below related to either an external funding proposal OR to an existing or pending sponsored program grant or cooperative agreement.

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If request is related to a planned proposal, enter a proposed or working proposal title.

If request is related to an award action, please enter enough identifying information to help SPA find the right award (e.g., the transmittal number, proposal number, award number, and/or project title.)

Please let us know whether the due date is being driven by the sponsor or the PI.

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If the Due Date (above) is less than 30 working days from today, please tell us why you are submitting a late notification.

Briefly provide any additional context or information that would help us expedite assignment of this request to the appropriate RA, and help that RA get started working on the action.

Please upload any documentation that will help your research administrator provide more informed support.

For Pre-Award/Proposal Actions, examples of documents that might be helpful for your research administrator to review at this stage, if available, include, but are not limited to: Funding Opportunity Instructions/Guidelines; Draft Scope of Work; Draft Budget using UM Budget Template and Current Rates; Draft Budget Justification; and Drafts of Other Required Proposal Forms and Documents.

For Award/Post-Award Actions, this might include, but is not limited to, any of the following: Notice of Award, Revised Budget, No Cost Extension Supporting Documents, Request for Sponsor Approval, Annual and Final Reporting Documents, etc.

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