ARC - Agreements and Research Contracts
Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) coordinates a variety of agreement types related to your research and scholarly endeavors. Use this form to submit items including but not limited to: research contracts/agreements, material transfer agreements, data use agreements, nondisclosure agreements, collaboration agreements, requests to issue subawards, and other agreements that the require SPA coordination, review, or approval (see Contract/Action Type box).
Requests should be submitted as soon as possible and no fewer than 30 working days (or about six weeks) before the targeted due date.
Within 2 business days of submission, you should receive an email from SPA with a ticket number to identify your request, and the name and contact information of the Research Administrator (RA) assigned to the request. To inquire about the status of a request, contact the assigned RA. If unsure where to direct your inquiry, or if you've not received a response within 2 business days, email
Note: The UM Transmittal Sheet System (TSS) is the official university electronic routing system for documenting and authorizing external funding proposals prior to submission.