ARC - Agreements and Research Contracts

Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) coordinates a variety of agreement types related to your research and scholarly endeavors. Use this form to submit items including but not limited to: research contracts/agreements, material transfer agreements, data use agreements, nondisclosure agreements, collaboration agreements, requests to issue subawards, and other agreements that the require SPA coordination, review, or approval (see Contract/Action Type box).

Requests should be submitted as soon as possible and no fewer than 30 working days (or about six weeks) before the targeted due date.

Within 2 business days of submission, you should receive an email from SPA with a ticket number to identify your request, and the name and contact information of the Research Administrator (RA) assigned to the request. To inquire about the status of a request, contact the assigned RA. If unsure where to direct your inquiry, or if you've not received a response within 2 business days, email

Note: The UM Transmittal Sheet System (TSS) is the official university electronic routing system for documenting and authorizing external funding proposals prior to submission.


Transmittal Sheet Routing System (TSS)

ORSP Administrative Routing Policy

When to Submit a Request

Use this form to submit items including but not limited to:

  • Review or draft research contracts/agreements, material transfer agreements, data use agreements, nondisclosure agreements, collaboration agreements, and other agreements that the require SPA coordination, review, or approval (see Contract/Action Type box).
  • Requests to issue subaward(s)

To request instead an action related to an external funding proposal or award action for a pending or existing externally sponsored program, USE THIS OTHER FORM .

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If this request is related to an existing transmittal and/or award, please enter the same Project Title/Name here.

If this request is related to a pending or existing sponsored program, please enter enough identifying information to help SPA find the right sponsored program (e.g., the transmittal number, proposal number, award number).

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Provide as much information as possible - Name, address, phone, email - for the other party's primary point of contact.

Contract/agreement draft/template, scope of work, etc.

Drag and drop files here or