Activity Petition Form

Student Affairs & Activities

DUE by Thursday 12pm the week prior to the next Tuesday 2pm ICC meeting in order to be on agenda

Instructions - Please read carefully to ensure your event is approved

This form is to create an official club event, sponsored by ICC. Your club must be Active and in good standing.

Doing so allows for clubs to request funds, equipment, venue, food, marketing materials, etc., and other sponsorships provided by the college.

Submit this form and have your club advisor approve it by THURSDAY 12pm the week prior to the next ICC meeting in order to secure being on the agenda for that next meeting.

Contact Victoria Strelnikova, ICC Advisor and Student Activities Coordinator, at for initial review and pre-approval prior to ICC meeting.

Your event must be approved in ICC at minimum 2 weeks prior to the date of the event.

Your club ICC Representative must attend each ICC Meeting (Tuesdays, weekly, 2 p.m., Toyon Room 2020), and must be present at the time of your activity petition being on the agenda in order for it to be voted on and receive approval.

Final approval to hold your event is dependent on club faculty/staff advisor meeting with the Student Activities Coordinator, Victoria Strelnikova, to confirm attendance for full duration of the event.

After hours events (after 5pm) may need to have a special Work Order requested for clean up, and potentially police presence. Both require the club to fund the staffing for these special requests. The ICC Events Coordinator and Student Activities Coordinator can meet with you to determine if this is needed for your event.

For more event planning details please visit the

ICC Plan an Event webpage. Updates can currently in progress so please check back periodically and stay in communication with the ICC team.

Thank you for following these steps to ensure a fun, safe, and successful event! We're here to support you every step of the way.

Spring 24
Caret IconCaret symbol

What's the event?

Tell us about what you plan to do.

No reimbursements for prizes/gifts/gift cards/movie tickets

Non FHDA Guest Speaker

Required information (This form is not required for a free guest speaker): 1. Contact info & bio with a reference list 2. District Contract required one-month prior for payment. Please contact to get the ICA Form required in order to pay vendor.

Is your event open to the entire Foothill community, or is it meant for just club members?



Please have the club advisor reach out to the Student Activities Coordinator/ICC Advisor, Victoria Strelnikova, to confirm.

If club advisor does not confirm with Student Activities Coordinator the event will not receive final approval to be held.


Clubs must attach Club Minutes showing that a majority of official members voted to approve planning and executing the event and whether to use club funds.

For event funding related questions please contact the

ICC Finance Director (currently vacant).

Or the VP of ICC, Joshua Chin,

Or the Student Accounts Manager (staff),

Kamara Tramble,

(to check club account balance, reimbursement details, etc.)

If YES, then please complete and submit the Fund Request form to be approved in ICC

Drag and drop files here or