Instructions - Please read completely
Submit this form and have your club advisor approve it by Thursday 12pm the week prior to the next ICC meeting in order to secure being on the agenda for that next meeting, along with supporting documents (club meeting Minutes for the $500 2 weeks prior to the Activity Petition and $1,000 1 month prior to the Activity Petition's event). If your fund request is not associated with an activity (general supplies, etc.), no Activity Petition is required.
This form needs to be presented on the following Tuesday at 2 pm by the club ICC Rep.
Fund Requests must be approved BEFORE any purchases are made.
Funds are provided via reimbursement.
After you have made purchases, please submit the Check Request form along with required supplementary documentation (Club Minutes, receipts/invoices) directly to
and CC along with the ICC Finance Director.
For more details please visit:
For questions reach out to:
Kamara Tramble - Student Accounts Manager (staff) has old and new account details and handles reimbursements for all clubs.
Alan Tran - Finance Director of Inter Club Council (ASFC elected member), supports clubs with financial matters (e.g. reimbursement questions, etc.)
Victoria Strelnikova - ICC Advisor/Student Activities Coordinator (staff), supports the specific requests, issues, etc.
Joshua Chin - Vice President of Inter Club Council (ASFC elected member), supports the daily needs of clubs.