Whistleblowing Webform

Please use this form to submit your whistleblowing disclosure to The Scout Association. To ensure your submission fits the criteria, please read the whistleblowing policy.

If you have concerns about the safety or well being of a child or vulnerable adult, you must in the first instance follow the Safeguarding Policy and the matter must be reported to the Safeguarding Team.

Please note that complaints, relating to headquarters matters, should be made in accordance with the complaints policy via this webform.

If you have a complaint that relates to a local Scout group / adult member, please raise your complaint with the appropriate lead volunteer within the local scouting line management structure. Further details can be obtained from the Support Centre.

Crimes against a person or property should be reported immediately to the police.

We will consider anonymous whistleblowing disclosures, however we will be unable to respond to you.

Please tell us your relationship to Scouting

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If known

Do you have any reasonable adjustments that you would like us to consider in dealing with your disclosure?*

Please see the Whistleblowing Policy for further guidance https://www.scouts.org.uk/about-us/policy/whistleblowing-policy-and-procedures/

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Please provide a clear and concise summary of the issue. Please be advised that this field only allows a maximum of approximately 600 words. If you require more, please use the attachments section below. You can also upload attachments below to support your disclosure.

Upload any supporting documentation for your disclosure

Drag and drop files here or
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We will use this address to communicate with you regarding your complaint.

We may need to contact you further so including a phone number you can be reached on often helps.

How we use your data

We take personal data privacy seriously and we have a duty of care around the information contained within this form. The data is to be used to maintain contact with you and/or manage your disclosure. We may need to share this data where we believe a vulnerable person is at risk of harm, a serious crime has been committed or alleged or another organisation needs to take action to ensure the safety of a young person. We will retain this data for a period of up to six years from the point the matter is resolved so that we can fulfil our obligations in line with the Limitation Act 1980. For further detail please view our Data Protection Policy here: https://scouts.org.uk/DPPolicy’