MIT Gift-in-Kind Form

This form is used to notify the Property Office and the Office of the Recording Secretary of donations of goods, equipment, art, or historical items. All gifts-in-kind must be recorded as assets of the Institute and some must be tagged. Please note that gifts of services do not count as gifts to MIT for tax purposes.

Individual or company making the donation.

MIT Department name, Building and room #.

Donor's estimated total value, list price or Form 8283 appraised value. Also list value per item, if different from estimated total value.

Please use your department's administrative cost object in range: 1380000 - 4999999.

Indicate none, if there are no restrictions.

Please attach any relevant paperwork related to the gift and original documents, such as deeds, gift letters, appraisals, IRS Form 8283.

Drag and drop files here or

Contact Information:

Please provide the first and last name of the person responsible for this gift.

First and last name of the administrative person who can be contacted about this gift. May be the same as responsible party.

