QEW Requests
Request the support of a Qualified Electrical Worker (QEW) using the form below.
Enter a brief description of the work requested. You may enter a more detailed description in the last field if needed.
Input the date that the the work should be completed by (if applicable).
Low - QEW support will not impact deadlines or the ability to complete work; Medium - Work is delayed pending QEW support; High - Critical deadlines are dependent upon QEW support
Where is the equipment or electrical work site located? Please provide the building and room number if onsite or full address if offsite.
Is this request for an item that can be easily transported to the electronics technician shop?
Is the support you're requesting a result of an Electrical Equipment Safety Program (EESP) inspection?
If this request is based on an EESP inspection, please provide the Quickbase tracking number if available.
Provide your name or the name of the contact person for this request.
Provide a phone number for the contact person.
Provide an email address for the contact person.
Select the Division that the request is for.
If needed, you may enter a more detailed description for your request.