Master Transaction Submittal Form

This form is used for Master Certification and/or recertification credits for completed business transactions. Please complete this form for each transaction and attach the required documentation.

Advisor Information

Transaction Information

Applicant should provide the follow documents as proof of the transaction and as proof that the intermediary firm was the intermediary of record.

1. SIGNED Closing Statements demonstrating the total sale, asset content of real estate (if any) and intermediary commissions paid at closing. If a closing statement is not available due to a private equity closing or “self-handled” company accretion, an affidavit from the attorney, accountant, PEG, or your client ON THEIR RESPECTIVE LETTERHEAD should be provided and signed by a principal or the signed letter should describe the deal and verify its closing and the primary intermediary.

2. In addition to the above, if the applicant is a member of a firm that operates as a “team” or a “subcontractor” to the firm, the principal of the firm (or participating partner(s)) should provide a notarized affidavit that verifies that the applicant was the “Primary Intermediary” and managed the primary responsibilities of the transaction.

Please see the SAMPLE AFFIDAVIT below.

Drag and drop files here or

[Attorney, Accountant, Client or Authorized Party Letterhead]


M&A Source Headquarters

7100 E. Pleasant Valley Rd. Suite 300

Independence, OH 44131


To Whom It May Concern:

This letter will serve to confirm that __________ of __________acted as the Primary Intermediary or an integral part of the deal time in the following transaction representing __________.







I affirm that the above is true in all respects.


Signature, Title

I attest to the above and attached information to be factual and true.