Try-A-Trade for Schools & Groups
Expression of Interest
The Try-A-Trade Application Process has changed.
Register your details below to be added to the Try-A-Trade mailing list. You only need to register once.
We will email you when programs are available, and you will be invited to select from a list of options with various providers and dates. Due to high demand, specific requests cannot be accommodated - for this reason, the comments field has been removed from the form.
Please note that Training Providers have a limited capacity for Try-A-Trade programs at the moment, so first preferences will be given to schools who have not yet had a Try-A-Trade opportunity.
How your information is used:
The following information is collected by the Construction Training Fund (CTF) to contact you regarding Try-A-Trade program opportunities.
Please note that we cannot guarantee you will have access to a Try-A-Trade.
Please enter your position within the school or group you are putting in the EOI for.
Terms and Conditions