In submitting this request, we have ascertained that:
a. This product has not been used beyond what it is designed for and reasonably expected to do.
b. This product has not been modified, altered or changed in any way.
c. This product has not been dismantled, serviced or interfered with by anyone other than an authorised repairer
d. This product has not been subject to unreasonable force or mishandling.
Note: No work is to proceed before the receipt of an order number from Proquip NZ Ltd. Where chargeable labour is applicable, a written quote must be provided before work is started and an order number given.
Where a customer opts not to proceed after an estimate is issued for non -warranty work / or no fault is found, a $120 + GST assessment fee will apply plus travel at $120 + GST per hour if applicable.
$120 + GST is the minimum repair charge.
Machines will be disposed of with no recompense if they have not been collected 90 days after first notification.