Report a Stray Animal-Animal Control

Detroit Animal Control is dedicated to promoting and protecting the health, safety, and welfare of people and pets in the City of Detroit. You can call us 7 days a week, 7a.m. -7p.m. at (313) 922-DOGS or use our online reporting process below to report animals at large and confined stray animals.

Once submitted, our dispatcher will review your concern. If your situation is complex or we have further questions, we will contact you by phone. Fields with a * are required fields. You should CALL 911 anytime there is an emergency in progress regarding an animal or a person.

For all wildlife, contact Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Perceived Urgency*

Section 1:

Describe the animal(s).

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Animal Type*
Approximate Size of Animal
Is the animal's owner present?

Describe any other identifying characteristics like color, markings, or breed i.e. "brown, black, white patch, red collar"

Section 2:

Where did you spot the animal?

For example, " 7401 Chrysler Dr." Exact addresses within the sighted area of the animal will assist officers to canvas the area more efficiently.

For example, "Clark Park" or "Citgo gas station"

Describe any additional details about the location i.e. "The house is green" "Building with the red door"

Section 3:

Please leave your contact info so we can follow up with questions or updates as possible.

Are you a City of Detroit employee?

Anything else we should know?