Complimentary HR Assessment
Are you confident that all your exempt employees are properly classified?
I didn’t know there were special requirements to make an employee exempt.
Yes, we make sure our exempt employees pass the Department of Labor’s duties test for their position to be exempt from overtime.
I think so, but I’m not entirely sure.
Are you properly tracking and paying all time worked, including overtime, by non-exempt employees?
Yes, I track overtime on a weekly basis, and am confident in my timekeeping and recordkeeping system.
I don’t feel confident in our current methods and think we could use help with this.
We do our best, but our systems may not be foolproof.
We don't have any employees we pay hourly.
Are you and your front-line managers familiar with the alphabet soup of federal and state leave and benefit laws that may apply to your organization—e.g., FMLA, COBRA, ADA, USERRA, PFML, etc.?
Yes, our team is familiar with these laws and know when to go looking for more information.
I'm familiar with these laws but my front-line managers aren't.
I’m not very familiar with these at all. Help!
I know some laws that apply to us, but there may be others I’m missing.
Do you know if the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate or so-called “play or pay” rules apply to you?
Our company is small, even though we’re owned by a large company, so we’re exempt.
We never have close to 50 employees, even counting part-timers, so the “play or pay” rules don’t apply to us.
Most of our workers are part-time so we can disregard the “play or pay” rules.
Yes, we know the rules and know that they apply to us.
Are your recruitment, selection and onboarding processes effective in sourcing, hiring, and developing top talent that stays with your organization long-term?
Yes, our recruitment, selection and onboarding processes are effective. Our employees are the best of the best and we have very infrequent turnover.
Our recruitment, selection and onboarding processes do the job, but there is room for improvement.
Our recruitment, selection and onboarding processes could use a complete overhaul to ultimately lead to better talent and employee retention across the organization.
Do your managers formally document performance and behavior issues?
Admittedly, we’ve had trouble on the documentation front.
Our managers are pretty good about documenting major performance issues, but we don’t always get things written down and in employee files.
Yes, our managers do an excellent job with respect to documenting performance issues and administering disciplinary action consistently.
Do you know how quickly employees who have quit or been terminated need to receive their final paycheck and what other paperwork you are required to provide?
Yes, I know the applicable state requirements for pay and notices at termination.
I don’t think I know what I need to about final paychecks and notices.
We give them lots of paperwork, so we’ve probably covered our bases.
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