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(If no, hire is subject to verification that you are of legal minimum age to work)

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The following section must be completed if you are applying for a position which requires the operation of a motor vehicle, owned or leased by the company, or if you must use your own vehicle for company purposes.

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Note: If you are hired for a position, which requires driving, you must keep us informed of any changes in your driving record. Employers in Texas have a legal duty in regard to each employee’s safety. Your, your fellow workers’ and our customers; safety is of utmost importance to Rykin Pump Company, Rykin Electric, and Rykin Sprinkler Systems. It is neither beneficial for neither you nor us to place you in a job where you have a higher risk of injury because of a physical or mental condition. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, we consider applicant’s for all employment regardless of their disabilities; however in addition to our own requirement, the Americans with Disabilities Act also requires us to make certain that each employee is capable of performing the essential functions of the job. Therefore, you must be honest with us in regard to your personal evaluation as to your abilities to perform the essential functions as described in the job description. If you are unable to perform the essential functions of the job, we welcome you to discuss any needs for accommodations that would allow you to perform the job in accordance with the job description.

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Certification of Application

I certify that all information given on this application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that I have accounted for my last three work experiences and any relevant training on this application, and that I have not knowingly withheld any fact or circumstance that would, if disclosed, affect my application unfavorably. Rykin Pump Company, Rykin Electric, and Rykin Sprinkler Systems is hereby authorized to make any investigation of my past employment and current employment if indicated above that this would not pose any difficulty, educational, credit, or criminal history through any investigative agencies or bureaus of its choice. I release all relevant parties from all liability of any damages resulting from furnishing such information. If employed by Rykin Pump Company, Rykin Electric, and Rykin Sprinkler Systems, I agree to abide by its rules and regulations. I understand that discovery of misrepresentation or omission of facts herein will make me ineligible for employment or will be cause for immediate dismissal. I agree to furnish additional information as may be required to complete my employment file. I understand that operating conditions may require me to temporarily work shifts other than the one I am applying and I agree to such scheduling change as directed by my supervisor. I have received, read, and reviewed the job description of the position for which I am applying and understand that I must be capable of performing the essential functions contained therein. I also understand that my employment is subject to the completion of the Medical Examination and Mobility Evaluation and that my continued employment may be conditioned upon maintaining a favorable health evaluation. I also agree that all information concerning said physical examination can be supplied to Rykin Pump Company, Rykin Electric, and Rykin Sprinkler Systems or an authorized agent of the company upon their request. I understand that this is an application for employment and that no employment and that no employment contract, either express or implied, is being offered. I also understand that if employed, such employment is for an indefinite period and can be terminated at will by either party, with or without notice, at any time, for any or no reason, and is subject to change in wages, conditions, benefits, and operating policies.

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Employment Applicant’s Release of Employment Records

Initial to agree