Duke Health and Fitness Center

Personal Training Intake

Please fill out the form and someone will contact you within the next two business days.

Note: A red asterisk (symbol *) indicates a required field. You cannot continue or submit until you enter or make a selection for a field with an asterisk.

If you have any questions about this form, please contact us by:

  • Email DukeHealthandFitnessCenter@duke.edu
  • Phone 919-919-660-6660

If you experience technical difficulties with this form, please contact Shannon Shurtygin at srs89@duke.edu.

Client Information

How do you like to be contacted?*
Are you a patient at Duke Lifestyle and Weight management with a referral for personal training?*

Please check all that apply!


Do you have a trainer preference?*

Offering Selection

Please check all that apply!

Caret IconCaret symbol


Please select your availability:

(6:00 - 8:00 am)

(8:00 am - 12:00 pm)

(12:00 - 4:00 pm)

(4:00 - 6:30 pm)

Additional Information

What is your membership status with the Duke Health and Fitness Center?*

Optional - Please check all that apply!
