Residency Review Request
Use this request if you believe that your residency status has been incorrectly coded as Non-Resident. This is a request to review the initial coding by Admissions if you believe that an error has been made or if you were previously granted residency and are seeing an error in myWSU.
Examples of when this request is appropriate:
MOST STUDENTS will need to apply for residency; this is NOT the application to officially apply for resident status. More information about Residency can be found on our Residency website or by taking the Residency Quiz.
This update request may used through the 30th day of your first term at WSU.
Military-affiliated students who are eligible for certain VA educational assistance or rehabilitation benefits are eligible for resident tuition using the Military Resident Tuition Application. You must apply to receive resident tuition. Visit the Military-Affiliated Residency page for more information and the application.
Students with military residency are coded as Non-Resident though pay resident tuition; if you were approved for military residency in a previous term, your status has not changed and no further action is required. You can view your residency status in myWSU. Instructions for finding your residency status.
If you have additional questions about military residency, email us. You may exit the form now; there is no need to select the Submit button below.
Residency for financially dependent students is based on the residency of the student's parents, step-parents, or legal guardians. It is possible for a student to have residency in more than one state if the parents live in different states, though a residency application is required. Residency website. Take a Residency Quiz to see if you're eligible.
Read more about applying for residency as a Financially Dependent student. The application is open during specific dates: Application Dates.
If you have additional questions about financially dependent residency, email us. You may exit the form now; there is no need to select the Submit button below.
Students who live in Washington for 12 months prior to attending any Washington college for more than 6 credits per term may be eligible for residency using the Residency Affidavit. This application is open during specific times of the year: Application Dates.
More information about the Residency Affidavit and how to apply.
If you have questions about the Residency Affidavit, email us. You may exit the form now; there is no need to select the Submit button below.
This form may only be used prior to the student's first term or before the 30th day of the student's first term at WSU.
Example: Butch T.
Example: Cougar
A student's official WSU Student ID number includes a leading 0. Please include the 0 in the entry. Example: 099999999
All communication regarding specific students will be sent to the student's WSU email address. Processing will be delayed when another email address is listed.
If you have documentation that you wish to upload with this request, use this field to do that.
By typing your name, you attest that this is your digital signature.