Waitlist for RAA Room Block at The Westin Hotel

Currently, our designated event hotel, The Westin, has reached full occupancy. If you're still seeking accommodation at The Westin, we invite you to include your details in the waitlist by completing the form below. Should a room become available, we will promptly inform you.

Kindly be aware that completion of this form does not guarantee a hotel reservation. We strongly advise individuals utilizing this form to arrange for alternative lodging options as well. For recommendations, please visit the event webpage. Your understanding is appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you September 26-27th in Washington DC!

Please note the first general session of the Leaders Conference will begin the morning of 9/26. All sponsors with a display table can begin set-up the afternoon of 9/25.

Please note the final general session will end at noon on 9/27. The Purchasing Forum (For participating Sponsors and Airline Purchasing Officials only) will take place from 1-3 p.m. on 9/27.


I understand that filling out his form DOES NOT GUARANTEE a hotel reservation. RAA strongly advises individuals utilizing this form to arrange for alternative lodging options as a backup. For recommendations, please visit the event webpage. Your understanding is appreciated.