Index Request Form

This form is used to request the setup of indices outside of normal processing. Please choose one of the following Request Types in the form:

  1. Restricted Index: the award is executed or in-house but there is a pending compliance hold (animal/human subjects protocol, etc.). You would also request a restricted index if you have an approval in principle (AIP) for human subjects research and are awaiting your full IRB protocol.
  2. Expedited Index: SPS has received a fully-executed agreement or notice of award and an index is needed within 5 business days.
  3. Multiyear Advance Spending: the award is a multiyear project, but UO is awaiting an amendment or notice of award to authorize the next increment of funding.
  4. Pre-Award Spending: UO is negotiating the contract or sponsor has otherwise indicated a high likelihood of funding.
  5. Submit using following link: