Salmon Recovery through Local Planning

One of the strategic priorities in the Governor's Salmon Recovery Plan is to protect and restore salmon habitat. This grant program helps local government's advance the Governor's statewide salmon recovery strategy, and improve water quality through updating comprehensive plans and development regulations under the Growth Management Act.

This intake form provides the necessary information review and evaluate applications.

PLEASE NOTE: once you begin this application you will not be able to save your work and come back to it.

Project Proposal Information

Name of County, City, or Tribe. Do not include "City of" or "County" in your response.

Please provide a brief description (2-3 sentences) of the work that will be completed with the grant.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Refer to instruction sheet for maximum amount that may be requested

Jurisdiction Information

Office of Financial Management population of jurisdiction as of 2024

9 digits. A Unified Business Identifier (UBI) is sometimes called a tax registration number, a business registration number, or a business license number. Example UBI number: 604-765-509

Example SWV number: 0002795-00

Please provide name of the person authorized to sign the grant agreement

Submit the email address Commerce should use to route a contract for final signature through DocuSign

GMA Status Information

Please provide the best information you have for the questions in this section. The answers do not affect grant eligibility.

Are the jurisdictions adopted plans and regulations up to date?*

Does your jurisdiction have a current adopted comprehensive plan, critical areas ordinance and/or, where applicable, a natural resources lands ordinance?

Growth Management Hearings Board Decisions or Orders

Are there any current non-compliance decision or orders before the Growth Management Hearings Board and/or courts?

Administrative Information

Please provide primary contact responsible for project management and submitting deliverables

Please provide name of the financial contact if different from the project manager

Please provide the financial contact person's email if different from the project manager

File Uploads

Documents can be word or PDF. We highly encourage scope of work and budget be submitted as Word documents. Please see application instructions for more information.

Drag and drop files here or

Please provide any comments, questions, or other information not covered elsewhere in this application or attached materials

This round of Salmon Recovery Through Local Planning Grant is supported through Environmental Protection Agency Puget Sound Geographic Program Funds.

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