Equipment Management Intake Form
Submission form will close on FEBRUARY 28, 2023. Open to Canadian Clubs exclusively.
The kit is valued at approximately $900 CAD.
2. Gaffers Tape
3. Spoke Tools
4. 7/16” & ¾ “ Combination wrenches
5. 1/2" & 15/16” Combination wrenches
6. 3/4" Deep Socket
7. 1/2" Shallow Socket
8. Allen Hex & Torx Keys
9. Standard & Phillips Screwdrivers
10. 3/7: Ratchet Wrench
11. 8” Pliers
12. 7” Wire Cutters
13. 3/8” Nut Driver
14. Chair Check Tool
15. Smoothing Stone
16. ¼” & 5/16” Punches
17. R8 ½” Caster Housing Bearings Installation Tool.
18. Dead Blow Hammer
19. Ball Peen Hammer