2020 Modality QIA Monthly Feedback Form

Please complete this survey EVERY month for the Modality Project. Please update information as needed and notify the Network of staff changes.

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April Question

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Does your facility provide education and knowledge to staff on how to effectively triage and determine appropriate actions to ensure a patient(s) with COVID -19 (or suspected of being infected with COVID-19) receives treatment in an appropriate care setting?*

Modality Tracking Process:

1. Does your facility use a process to monitor individual steps patients need to progress through for a successful transition to HOME dialysis?*

If you answered "NO" to question 1 , proceed to 2 question. If you answered "YES" to question 1, proceed to question 3.

(Select ALL that apply)

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3. Does your facility use a process to monitor the individual steps patients need to progress through to successfully be placed on a TRANSPLANT waiting list?*

If you answered "NO" to question 3 proceed to question 4. If you answered "YES" to question 3, proceed to question 5.

(Select ALL that apply)

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(Select ALL that apply)

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Home & Transplant NCC LAN Calls:

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(Briefly explain)

Modality Patient Engagement:

9. Did you use the Modality QIA resources that were provided to engage your patients and staff?*

(Select ALL that apply)

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(Briefly explain)

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(Briefly explain)

Please NO PATIENT PHOTOS... it's a HIPPA Violation! (Click Upload to attach any Picture File of your activities)

Drag and drop files here or

CMS Patient & Family Engagement Questions:

18. Did your facility INVITE patients to Plan of Care (POC) Meeting?*

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(Type to search) Note: Attended the care plan meeting may be defined as: meeting with the patient chairside in the development and assessment for the plan of care, meeting in a conference room or other area to discuss and review the plan of care, meeting virtually using a phone or webcam to discuss the plan of care with the patient/family member(s).

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21. Does your facility INCLUDE patient, family member and care giver involvement in the DEVELOPMENT of the individualized Plan of Care and/or Plan of Care meetings?*
22. Does your facility coordinate (or provide information on) established Patient Support Groups OR new patient adjustment groups OR patient councils?*
23. Does your facility INCLUDE patients and/or family/caregivers in the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) Program and/or Governing Body of the facility?*

Note: Did you invite patients, family members and/or caregivers to participate in the Governing Body and/or QAPI meetings.

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Please select "Send Me a Copy" below, to receive an email copy of your responses.

Thank you for your time!