CS Reimbursement Request Form
The form will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please ensure you have all your documents digitized and combined into one pdf file ready for submission prior to starting.
Required Supporting Documentation
Reimbursement Request Worksheet
This worksheet must accompany every reimbursement request. Please make it the cover page of your pdf submission.
Expense Approval
Email from the faculty confirming the project name or chartstring the expense should be charged to.
Flight – Email confirmation for flight reservations and boarding passes.
Ground transportation – taxi, rail, shuttle service, and parking receipts. Make a note on each receipt indicating where the trip was to/from.
Personal auto use – Google map showing route and mileage.
Hotel – Final bill showing payment was made.
Conference Registration
Registration confirmation showing conference fee payment, name and dates of conference.
Itemized restaurant receipt showing the items purchased. Tips are reimbursable.
Event flyer, invitation or screen shot of email/Slack announcing meeting or event.
Include list of attendees and university affiliations for group meals.
Per Diem
If you are requesting per diem, print the rate for your destination from http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104877.
All receipts should include proof of payment, such as "paid via Master Card xxxx-xxxxxxx-1234" or "paid via PayPal." If the receipt does not include proof of payment, please include a copy of your credit card statement highlighting the charge & omit the account number.
If receipts are in foreign currency, include a printout of the rate conversion and write the US dollar amount next to each receipt. Conversion calculator can be found at http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/
Retail sales tax is not reimbursable (e.g., sales tax at Target). Hotel and restaurant taxes are reimbursable.
NU Travel Policy: http://www.northwestern.edu/uservices/travel/policies.htm