Evidence of Consultation for Title Equitable Service Programs

Consultation with community members and leaders is a core aspect of districts efforts to support our students. ESEA sections 1117(b)(5) and 8501(c)(5) requires each school district to conduct consultation with every private school in their district and submit documentation that consultation occurred, or that attempts were made to contact the private schools .

This Smartsheet Submission Form is to submit a signed Affirmation of Consultation Form or evidence of communication with Private Schools related to the ESEA Equitable Services for Private Schools.

This Smartsheet Submission Form must be completed for each individual Private School.


For any questions related to ESEA Equitable Services and Private School Consultations, please contact ODE's Private School Ombudsman, Janette Newton.

School District Information

Please select your School District's name from the drop-down menu:

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please enter your name:

Please enter your email address:

Private School Consultation

Please enter the name of Private School you are submitting for:

Private School Location*

Please select an option from the menu below:

Please enter date in field below.

Response of Private School*

Please select an option from the menu below:


Using the File Upload field below, your district district can upload documents relating to the consultation requirements.

If a Private School accepted services, you must upload a copy of their signed Affirmation. Only upload an Affirmation if the private school signed an Affirmation.

If a Private School has declined services, evidence of the private school doing so must be uploaded (such as a signed Affirmation declining services, an email declining services, returned Intent to Participate Letter declining services, written narrative of a phone call, etc.).

If a Private School was non-responsive, you must upload proof that the district contacted the school (such as: certified mail receipt, read email receipt, phone call log, a written narrative of all contact attempts, etc.).

Drag and drop files here or