I. Educate yourself about current and upcoming events in Global Brigades. This includes keeping in contact with your GB Volunteer Engagement Associate, attending your monthly Chairperson Committee Calls, following the GB blog/social media webpages, and attending regional and national conferences
II. Maintain a high level of communication with Global Brigades staff (specifically, your assigned Volunteer Engagement Associate) regarding updates and progress on your campus, and any concerns or ideas regarding Global Brigades operations. You will respond to GB emails promptly, and encourage other GB student leaders to do the same.
III. Act as an authority to your Chapters on all GB Policies, and communicating those policies to your Chapter and Brigade Leaders. It is particularly important that you familiarize yourself with and uphold the GB Ethics policy, the Cancellation and Refund policy, and the Travel policy.
IV. Ask for help, guidance, and feedback when needed. You do not hesitate to ask for assistance in any GB matter on your campus, and will always come to GB staff with any questions or concerns about your role or the direction of the organization