2019/2020 Campus Chairperson Application Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a GB Campus Chairperson! Please complete the form below to officially apply to be a recognized CC through Global Brigades. Upon your acceptance into the program, you are expected to attend training sessions throughout the month of August, and fulfill the role of Campus Chairperson on your campus for the entirety of the 2019/2020 academic year. More specific details and dates will be provided upon your acceptance.

Demographic Information

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Email will be a primary means of communication throughout the year. Please use the email where Global Brigades can consistently reach you.

Email will be a primary means of communication throughout the year. Please use the email where Global Brigades can consistently reach you.

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This applies if they are officially your club/society faculty advisor, or if they are someone who supports you formally/informally on occasion.

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If no, please write N/A

If no, please write N/A

If no, please write N/A

Active Chapters

In order for a chapter to be considered "active" they must have a current chapter president and be planning to send a brigade in the 2019/2020 academic year. Please indicate which of the chapters are on your campus based on the following options: Note: all medical brigades include dental & public health components, this does not mean you have all three chapters


Examples: leadership experience, club participation, fundraising, team building, etc.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is a process that allows you to think about your ideal future, and motivate yourself to turn that vision into reality. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of your goals, and you’ll actually see progress in what might previously have seemed like an insurmountable task. As a part of the Campus Chairperson program, you will be asked to set a total of 3 goals. These will be used to assess your progress and eligibility for the CC Scholarship in the future.

Step one: Review Goal Setting Guide https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1R44_EO9Z7kzqOmUehWcDam5etRB2TOWFe_CvJxUZHpU/edit#slide=id.g3814a6c63e_0_699 Step Two: Submit your goals setting using this template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mIWny3jGlKhnjaMah1PquGSJfqSS6WvBwxCkAVsfmIs/edit#

Drag and drop files here or

Chapter President Endorsements

An important aspect of the CC application process is receiving endorsements/nominations from each of the chapter presidents on your campus. Given that you CC will be representing your campus, and thus, all Chapters on your campus, it is very important that you are supported by each chapter leader on their campus. Please provide the names/email addresses of each chapter president (e.g., medical president, water president, etc.) They will then be emailed a nomination form to fill out electronically. NOTE: please provide the contact information of the CURRENT chapter presidents.

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) If there is not a Campus Chairperson on your campus simply write N/A

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) If there is not a Medical Chapter/President on your campus simply write N/A

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) Please only fill this out if you send a stand alone dental ONLY brigade. If there is not a Dental President on your campus simply write N/A

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) Please only fill this out if you send a stand alone public health ONLY brigade. All medical brigades include a component of PH and this does not count as its own brigade. If there is not a Public Health Chapter/President on your campus simply write N/A

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) If there is not a Water Chapter/President on your campus simply write N/A

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) If there is not an Engineering Chapter/President on your campus simply write N/A

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) If there is not a Business Chapter/President on your campus simply write N/A

Example: John Smith (johnsmith@gmail.com) If there is not a LE Chapter/President on your campus simply write N/A


Taking on the role of Campus Chairperson for your university is a tremendous opportunity for you to establish a legacy on your campus, and to help shape Global Brigades as a whole. However, this role is not to be taken lightly and comes with a myriad of responsibilities. Your duties as a Campus Chairperson will include, but will not necessarily be limited to the following:


I. Educate yourself about current and upcoming events in Global Brigades. This includes keeping in contact with your GB Volunteer Engagement Associate, attending your monthly Chairperson Committee Calls, following the GB blog/social media webpages, and attending regional and national conferences II. Maintain a high level of communication with Global Brigades staff (specifically, your assigned Volunteer Engagement Associate) regarding updates and progress on your campus, and any concerns or ideas regarding Global Brigades operations. You will respond to GB emails promptly, and encourage other GB student leaders to do the same. III. Act as an authority to your Chapters on all GB Policies, and communicating those policies to your Chapter and Brigade Leaders. It is particularly important that you familiarize yourself with and uphold the GB Ethics policy, the Cancellation and Refund policy, and the Travel policy. IV. Ask for help, guidance, and feedback when needed. You do not hesitate to ask for assistance in any GB matter on your campus, and will always come to GB staff with any questions or concerns about your role or the direction of the organization


V. Understand GB’s Holistic Model and working with other Global Brigades leaders to establish a Chapter structure on your campus that promotes this model. VI. Support and mentor Chapter and/or Brigade Leaders on your campus. As Chairperson, it is your duty to encourage collaboration between Chapters on campus, resolve conflicts, and foster leadership among the student leaders of each Chapter. VII. Facilitate monthly meetings for all of your campus Global Brigades leaders, and frequently attend individual program/Chapter meetings to provide support. VIII. Coordinate multiple campus-wide Global Brigades events throughout the year. This includes all-program information sessions, fundraisers and recruitment events.


Empower IX. Serve as a leader on your campus. Through your leadership, you have the power to make a significant impact in the communities we serve by establishing and maintaining Chapters that perpetuate brigades from your campus.Build a strong executive leadership team to maximize the strength, abilities, and outreach of the Chapters on your campus. You will delegate to this leadership team as appropriate, and strive to cultivate leadership skills among your members. X. Plan, with your leadership team and other on-campus stakeholders, at least 1-2 brigades each year per program, in order to develop strong and impactful Chapters. XI. Lead the conversation about Global Brigades on your campus and create open spaces for constructive criticism. Chairpersons help support information sessions and Brigade preparation initiatives for all interested volunteers, and provide consistent follow-up, leadership development, and support to your fellow GB student leaders. XII Work with Chapter Leaders to develop a succession plan for their leadership team to ensure sustainability from year to year.


XII. Raise awareness about Global Brigades' and your purpose, and empower others to become a part of our movement. XIII. Grow Global Brigades on your campus by helping to found at least one new program or brigade each year. XIV. Lead your campus in celebrating GB Week by coordinating a planning committee and/or organizing events XV. Plan and/or recruit attendees for regional GB Student Leadership Conferences in your area XVI. Promote #GB365 by hosting events on campus or in your community to raise awareness of global health and economic disparities and organizing opportunities for chapters to volunteer locally

By digitally signing this document, you are recognizing yourself to be the new representative of Global Brigades (“Campus Chairperson”) at your university, and are committing to fulfilling the responsibilities of a Global Brigades Campus Chairperson as outlined above. The Chairperson position is a privilege bestowed upon the highest caliber of student leaders.Consequently, should you fail to uphold these responsibilities, Global Brigades will reserve the ability to work with your chapter to transition the role to another leader.

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We are hoping to highlight all Campus Chairpersons on our team website. Please provide a small bio to be included on the website. You can seek inspiration here (https://www.globalbrigades.org/about-us/team/) Lastly, please find a professional photo of yourself (keep in mind, this is going to be public on our main GB website) and put it in the GB Bio Photos folder in the CC Resources Folder here (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1csni3j0wJIzci3vHFJdYeKQw94sk4cwD?usp=sharing) *make sure the file includes your name so we can match your photo to your bio*