Waverley Council - 2025
Low to Medium Impact Event Application for approval
You can use this form to apply to conduct an event in an open space, within the Waverley Local Government Area.
1 : Ensure that all fields have been filled out correctly.
2 : Please note that fields on this form marked with an * are mandatory and must be completed.
3 : Note this application is subject to approval by Waverley Council and does not constitute a booking. Applications will not be formally considered and assessment frameworks will not commence until the EVENT Application is lodged and the Event Application fee of $250 is paid. An invoice will be sent once application proposal has been received.
4 : No booking is required if your gathering is a group of 50 or less people and no infrastructure is being taken into the park.
By checking this box you have read and agreed to the Waverley Council Events Policy.
By checking this box you have read and agree to the Waverley Council Pricing Policy.
By checking the box below you have read and agreed to the Event Waste Management Guidelines
Provide a current Australian Public Liability Insurance Certificate of no less than $10 million noting Waverley Council as an interested party. Must be attached
Please indicate the exact Name of Organisation for Tax Invoice purposes.
Please indicate the name of your planned event
If this is a Not for Profit event, please supply your support documentation or Full Fees will apply.
Purpose of the Event, Event Schedule and Activities involved
If YES, A Water Safety Management Plan must also be provided with this application. An RMS Aquatic License must also be provided if your activity affects the general public's use of navigable waters.
Please Note: For Medium Impact Events A Waverley Council Site Supervisor Fee may apply - (minimum 4 hour call)
Pop Up Marquees require weight of 30kg per leg (minimum of 120kg), no pegging. This is a safety standard for wind rating on outdoor marquees.
Single Phase and 3 Phase available on most sites
Please attach images if possible
Please advise on Waste Management or packaging details and attach a waste management plan.
If YES this will be classed as a High Impact Event and that online application form will need to be submitted - See Event Policy & Guidelines for that process and timelines
Other than Promotion / Branded vehicles. Vehicles permitted on site for bump in and out only.
eg: catering, security, other. If so, please attached all Third Party Insurances.
(Please supply details of your Site Supervisor and experience)
Please indicate who the primary contact person for this booking will be
Please indicate the email address for this booking.
Please indicate the phone number of the person who will be responsible for this booking.
Please list here any additional comments you would like to add to your booking.
Please attach here documents related to your activity request.
For water based activities- Water Safety Management Plan and Aquatic License from Service NSW.
Waverley Council (55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022) is collecting and holding your personal information for the purpose of processing your request or application.
The intended recipients of your personal information are Council officers and other service providers necessary to process your request or application, if applicable. We will not disclose your personal information to anybody else unless you have given consent, or we are authorised or required to do so by law.
This form is classified as open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and may be disclosed to members of the public on request.
If you do not provide your personal information, we may be unable to process your request or application. To access or correct your personal information, please contact info@waverley.nsw.gov.au or call 9083 8000.
For further details on how Council manages your personal information, please refer to the Privacy Management Plan on our website: waverley.nsw.gov.au/privacy.