An exhibitor appointed contractor (EAC), sometimes interchangeably referred to as an independent contractor, is a company other than the general or official service provider for the show that requires access to your booth during installation and dismantling. The EAC may only provide services in the facility not designated by the facility or VAI Show Management as “exclusive” to a designated provider.

Exhibiting companies MUST notify VAI Show Management AND GES of the exhibitor’s intent to use an EAC by January 17, 2025.

Each EAC must submit valid evidence of insurance coverage (as outlined below) to by January 31, 2025.

Please submit a separate form for each EAC company.

If you have any questions, please reach out to VERTICON Show Management by emailing or calling 703.683.4646.

EAC Insurance Requirements

Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that each EAC they intend to use in conjunction with the show maintains sufficient coverage and provides necessary documentation to VAI Show Management and GES. No EAC will be allowed to access the show floor or work in an exhibitor’s booth unless both VAI Show Management and GES have received, and approved, the proper paperwork and proof of insurance.

Each EAC must have all licenses required under federal, state, and local laws or regulations, as well as any permits required by the convention facility, prior to accessing the show floor or commencing work.

Each EAC shall maintain all necessary insurance coverages for EACs and any other individual or entity, including subcontractors, the EAC retains for activities related to VERTICON 2025, for the entire duration of VERTICON 2025 (license period: March 4, 2025 through March 15, 2025 local time.) At a minimum, the EAC’s insurance shall satisfy the following requirements:

(1) Commercial General Liability Insurance covering all operations by or on behalf of the EAC with a limit of at least one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and three million U.S. dollars ($3,000,000) annual aggregate. The policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury (including death), Broad Form Property Damage, and liabilities arising out of Premises, Operations, Independent Contractors, Products/Completed Operations, Personal & Advertising Injury, and Contractual Liability. The policy shall also include Damage to Rented Premises and Fire Legal Liability

(2) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance covering owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles with a minimum combined bodily injury (including death) and property damage limit of one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) per accident. Such insurance shall include coverage for loading and unloading hazards.

(3) (a) Workers’ Compensation Insurance, in the amount required by law, covering all the EAC’s employees and agents (EAC shall require all contractors to also obtain Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by law); (b) Employers’ Liability Insurance with limits of at least one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) for any one accident, one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) for disease each employee, and one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) disease limit.

(4) Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance of at least one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and one million U.S. dollars ($1,000,000) annual aggregate covering all General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Employer’s Liability policies. The policy shall be on a following form basis with respect to all underlying coverages. The EAC is responsible for payment of any retention or deductible.

All coverage specified above shall be on a primary and non-contributory basis; and each insurance policy shall be issued by a carrier authorized in the State of Texas and acceptable to VAI and the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD). The EAC’s insurance shall name as additional insured and hold harmless, without any restrictive modifications, the following entities and their officers, officials, directors, representatives, agents, and employees: VAI, the State of Texas (including the State Tort Claims Fund and other State established Liability Funds), the KBHCCD, GES, and any other necessary party/parties required by VAI Show Management. For the purposes of this paragraph, the terms “State of Texas” and “KBHCCD” shall include all authorities, boards, bureaus, commissions, divisions, departments, and offices of the State of Texas and the individual members, employees, and agents thereof in their official capacities, or while acting on behalf of the State of Texas.

The EAC’s insurance shall also provide for a waiver of subrogation in favor of the aforementioned parties and their officers, officials, directors, representatives, agents, and employees.

The certificate hold name and address should be Vertical Aviation International, 1920 Ballenger Avenue, 4th Floor, Alexandria, VA, 22314.

The EAC shall provide VAI with certificates of insurance as well as copies of the endorsements adding the specified parties as additional insureds, providing waivers of subrogation, and stating that the EAC’s insurance is primary and noncontributory no later than January 31, 2024. All insurance certificates and endorsements must be in a form reasonably acceptable to VAI and should be emailed to

In the event of cancellation or nonrenewal of insurance, the EAC shall provide VAI with at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice, and ten (10) days’ prior written notice of cancellation if cancellation is for nonpayment of premium.

VAI reserves the right to review and/or modify these insurance requirements at any time and as may be required by the KBHCCD.

Please provide phone number for EAC on site, if different from above.

Upload any relevant files here.

Drag and drop files here or