Application for Fairfax County Land Development Services Project Management Services

Please utilize this form to request support from the LDS Operations Division Project Management Program. Further information on the program can be found at If you require assistance in filling our this form, please call 703-324-3013.

Please provide a brief summary of (a) The scope of work (b) Where you are at in the land development process (c) Key milestones in the project schedule

Supervisor District

Long Term or Troubleshooting*

Please indicate whether you are requesting project management services as either (a)Long-term support; or (b)Troubleshooting. Long term support provides direct involvement of a project manager in developing schedules and tracking project status through project completion. Trouble-shooting support is provided to assist in resolving specific challenges that typically involve multiple stakeholders.

Application Justification

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Please explain the benefit this project will provide to the community.

Please let us know if you've been referred to us by a District Supervisor, County Executive, or Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (EDA).

Is this project included in the Department of Planning and Development's Economic Incentive Program (EIP)? If so, please explain.

If publicly funded, what benefit can a LDS project manager provide that the public agency’s project manager cannot provide?

Applicants who have not previously received project management services will receive priority over repeat applicants. Please explain any previous experience your team has had with the PM program.

Would project management support improve your team's equitable access to the land development process, as articulated in the One Fairfax policy? If so, please explain

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By submitting this application, the Applicant agrees to the following as part of the project management program: - Commitment to high quality submittals - Prompt responsiveness to comments, questions and requests from reviewers and the project manager - Working collaboratively with all stakeholders to resolve issues - An understanding that the project management program does not imply expedited processing or guarantee approvals - Diligent pursuit of the timely execution of the project described above. Significant changes to the project scope of work or scope of project management services may require submittal of a new application