By signing below, I attest that I am the student and I am authorizing the Veterans Engagement Service team to process my request for Retroactive consideration for military benefits.
I agree and understand that the Veterans Engagement Team will validate all enrollment periods indicated on this form. If it is found that an enrollment period is missing, withdrawn from or unable to be found, those terms will NOT be included in the benefit certification process.
I also agree and understand that the information provided on this form is true and accurate and will be used for internal processing purposes but may be requested in a review by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Maryland Higher Education Commission, or any other authorized auditors and reviewers at any time by request. I understand by signing I will be added to the MSU Student Veteran database for the applicable terms only for auditing and compliance purposes.
Lastly, by signing below, I understand that any funds due to me after the fact MUST be handled directly with the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense. The VA and the DoD are the officiating agencies and payees of any funds certified after entitlement is awarded and the terms have concluded. In this understanding, I will not hold Morgan State University, its auditors, and/or affiliates responsible for any missed, reduced, or altered payments. This retroactive process is solely approved under the authorization of the Department of Veterans Affairs and its constituents for a total of one calendar year from the date of entitlement approval and I understand that if in this process my benefit entitlement will be depleted, I agree to ensure that Morgan State University receives any funds that are due to them at that time of decision.