Volunteer application form

Position applied for*
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If you volunteered before please give us details below

Please give us details below if you were ever a member of the club

Do you have any unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings? Including driving endorsements (e.g. penalty points, convictions etc)

Before you answer this question we must make you aware that you need to disclose any convictions, cautions, warnings, reprimands and previous or pending investigations as these will all appear on the DBS check. Non-disclosure of the information may prevent your acceptance as a Wigan Youth Zone volunteer. The reason for the above question is based around not only child protection and health and safety but also around trust and honesty between the candidate and Wigan Youth Zone.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

If you rather discuss the details in person please email Kate Rigby at kate.rigby@wiganyouthzone.org

Do you hold a current driving license?*

Employment History

Please provide below any information that highlights your skills and the experience gained in your previous employment, including any voluntary work you may have carried out. Please provide as much information as possible including any periods when self-employed, unemployed, working abroad etc

If there were any gaps in your employment or education please state these below

Please remember to start with your most recent employer

Please add all previous employment in date order starting with the most recent below, please include:

  • The dates of the employment (Start and Finish if applicable)
  • Name and Address of Employer
  • Job Title, Main duties and Responsibilities, Major Achievements
  • Salary on Leaving
  • Reason for leaving


Please list all relevant education, training, professional qualifications and professional membership. Please provide as much information as possible including any periods of gaps in your education such as time out for traveling, casual work etc

Please state the following information below:

Name of school/college/university/organisation

Dates (Start and Finish)


Awarding body


Gaps in employment or education*

Are you prepared to make a statutory declaration for any 'gaps' in your employment/education history

Please tell us about any work experience or volunteering which are relevant to working with young people, strengths and skills and what you hope to gain from volunteering at Wigan Youth Zone. Please note we do not accept the application if this section is blank.

Emergency Contact Details

Please state below at least one of your emergency contacts we can contact for you in case of an emergency. Ideally we have two emergency contacts for each volunteer.

Please state below:

Emergency contact name

Their relationship with you (partner, parent, souse etc)

Their address including post code

Their telephone number


Please list below the names and addresses of at least two people from whom references can be obtained. One of the references should be from your most recent employer if you had any.

Please list below the following information for two people:

Referee name


Email address

Relationship to you (eg Line manager/ Lecturer

All the above information is mandatory


I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information given in this application is correct. I understand that any false or misleading information given either in this application form or in any other documentation completed or verbal statement made during the recruitment process may prevent my acceptance as a Wigan Youth Zone volunteer.

Volunteering at Wigan Youth Zone is a privileged position and you are a role model for young people to follow. In line with our Safeguarding policy, if we deem any of your actions unsuitable we reserve the right to terminate your position as a volunteer at any time with immediate effect.

Please note that by clicking Yes below you agree to the Declaration above. If the answer is No, we cannot accept the application.