Closed Compact Storage Retrieval Request

University of South Florida Libraries

Tampa Library

Tampa campus

Use this form if an item you are looking for at the USF Tampa Library has a location listed as "Closed Compact Shelving- Ask at Desk."

"Closed Compact Shelving- Ask at Desk"

  • These items are in a staff only shelving area and will require a staff member to retrieve the item for patron use.
  • Once the form is completed, it can take up to 72 hours to retrieve the item.
  • Once the item has been retrieved, you will be notified by email and it will be placed on a 7 day hold at the Tampa Library Circulation Desk.

"Closed Compact Shelving location are Non-Circulating items"

  • Items that are listed in the "Closed Compact Shelving location are Non-Circulating items" cannot be checked out or taken out of the library.
  • Item(s) must be returned to the Tampa Library Circulation Desk within 24 hours of pickup.

If an item cannot be found in Closed Compact Shelving, you will receive an email stating that the retrieval was unsuccessful.

If you have any additional question related to Closed Compact Shelving, please email Kathryn Oconnell, the Stacks Supervisor, at