CBSD Grant Request Form
- Grant applications will be accepted anytime of the school year from September to April. Program implementation to occur within the school year or following school year.
- Applications will be completed online. LINK
- Applications will be approved by the building principal.
- Application will be approved at the district office by the Assistant to the Superintendent or district representative.
- Application will be approved by the Columbia Education Foundation as per Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC).
- After approval, a notification will be sent to the applicant/applicants by the Assistant to the Superintendent or district representative.
- Applicants work with the building secretary to submit a purchase order. Building secretary will connect with Lindsay Blake for an account code.
- The business office will invoice the Columbia Education Foundation.
Grant Guidelines
- Requests should be a one-time expense that fits within the scope of the district’s four goals and has a direct impact on students.
- Goal 1: Strong Foundation for Early Learners
- Goal 2: High Achievement for All Learners
- Goal 3: Preparation for College, Career, and Life
- Goal 4: Commitment to a Positive, Supportive, Safe Environment
- All approved grants MUST be followed up by the applicant with a picture, thank you, and a brief narrative about the progress to the Education Foundation within the year of implementation.
Grant Type
- MINI-GRANT - Not to exceed $1000.00
- COLLABORATIVE GRANT - Not to exceed $2500.00. Designed for innovative projects that are:
- Developed by multiple teachers that involve a cross-discipline project, or
- Developed by multiple teachers from the same academic department or discipline, or
- Developed by multiple teachers that involve multiple sections or classes, or
- Developed by an academic staff member that involves students from more than one class.