Cost Transfer Justification (CTJ) Form
Any cost that is first charged to one UO account and later changed to be moved onto or off of an award is a sponsored projects cost transfer. Although cost transfers are a necessary and required component to managing sponsored projects, they should be kept to a minimum and always incorporate adequate documentation of the cost and grant benefit with clear, detailed explanations. To the greatest extent possible, cost transfers should be processed as soon as the need for the transaction is identified. Cost transfers taking place more than 90 days after the original transaction are considered “late” and require additional documentation as they are of high audit risk. Late transfers should only be processed under exceptional circumstances, and must be accompanied by a completed Cost Transfer Justification Form to ensure the justification for the transfer is well documented. Complete this form for all cost transfers requested more than 90 days after the posting date of the original transaction for current awards, and more than 60 days for awards in closeout. This form can be utilized to support either labor or non-labor transactions. Please choose the type of transaction below and complete the requested information to identify the transaction(s), either journal voucher numbers or employee names.
To check the status of the CTJ forms you have submitted, click this link: