VERTICON 2025 - Booth Variance Request Form
Exhibitors requesting designs that are outside VAI’s booth guidelines are required to complete this form to request a booth variance. Submit this form in conjunction with a detailed booth diagram with dimensions in feet/inches, including height dimensions.
Please submit by February 7, 2025. Approvals will be given via email; allow five to seven business days for a response.
Mark on your diagram the exact height and width of your booth structure and hanging sign. Clearly indicate the height of all levels on double-deck booths. All communication regarding booth designs must be in English and measurements in feet/inches.
Should the diagram submitted with this form differ significantly from the actual structure on-site, you may be required to alter it, at your expense, or, if suitable space is available, the exhibit will be moved at your expense.
Note: Any approval granted for booth variances are valid for VERTICON 2025 only. Your designs, if necessary, should still be submitted to the fire marshal and a structural engineer for their approval, per the rules of the Kay Bailey Hutichson Convention Center Dallas, as outlined in the Exhibitor Services Kit.
For additional information, please email or call 703-683-4646.