Annual Report Form 2024


Each project having approval from the University of Adelaide Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) is required to submit an annual report to the AEC.

The continuation of approval for ongoing projects is subject to receipt of the Annual Report and the AEC determination. This is in line with the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes.

It is the responsibility of the Chief Investigator to ensure that all information submitted to the AEC is a true and correct record for the reporting period.

Note this report is specific to a 12 month reporting period only (1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024).

The deadline for submission of this report is Friday 7 February 2025.

Section 1- Project Detail

Title/First Name/Surname

Project approval number format S/M-XXXX-XXX

Application ID number format XXXXX

School of the Chief Investigator

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Provide Details of the Chief Investigators School

Section 2- Type of Annual Report

Reminder: A report is required for all projects, even if no animals were used during the reporting period. Animal usage and progress on the work for the period after 1 January 2025 will need to be reported next year.

Progress or Completion Report*

Please indicate whether this is a progress or completion report.

Progress Report*

This is a Progress Report if:

Completion Report*

This is a Completion Report if:


You have selected N/A. Please go back to the previous question and change the type of report you are completing

Please advise year of previous report.

If you have previously reported completion, no further information is required on this form

Section 3- Variations of the Approved Project

Have there been any variations to the project in the reporting period which have not been submitted to the AEC? Variations include changes to:

Changes to Investigators*

E.g. Addition or removal of investigators

Changes to Procedural Details*

E.g. Minor modifications to procedures/methodology, including changes in some drug treatments.

Increase to Animal Numbers*
Other Changes*

Section 4 - Reporting Number of Animals Used

Note: animal numbers only need to be provided for specific types of projects (selections below). If your project does not fit into these categories there is no need to report animal number used. The form will prompt you to move to section 5.

'Death as an Endpoint' Definition

Note: This is not the same as humane killing at the end of a project. Please deselect this option if you are referring to 'humane killing'. Definitions of humane killing and death as an endpoint can be found below.

Humane killing: The act of inducing death using a method appropriate to the species that results in a rapid loss of consciousness without recovery and minimum pain and/or distress to the animal.

Death as an endpoint: When the death of an animal is the deliberate measure used for evaluating biological or chemical processes, responses or effects—that is, the investigator will not intervene to kill the animal humanely before death occurs in the course of a scientific activity.

Death as an endpoint does not include the death of an animal by natural causes or accidents, or the humane killing of an animal as planned in a project or because of the condition of the animal.

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Please provide details of any international locations used as part of this project

Fieldwork and Wildlife Projects

This is also know as: 'as encountered'

Not all fieldwork or wildlife projects estimate animal numbers at approval. If your fieldwork project specified exact numbers at approval, please deselect this option.

Reporting of Animal Numbers is not required

Please continue to section 5

Section 4 - Reporting Number of Animals Used - Part A

Report the number of animals used for the reporting period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024

If any animals were used - select all your approved animals types from the list below and enter the number(s) of animals used in 2024. In the case where an animal type was not used in 2024, enter 0 for the number of animals used.

Note that any animal used on or after 1 January 2025 must be listed on next year’s report, not this one.

If no animals at all were used in 2024 - select the no animals used option.

For Interstate/International Reporting

Where an animal type is used in more than 1 state, you will need to fill a separate animal entry for each state that it is held/used

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To report further animals, please use this Additional Animal Species table and upload the document to the file upload section at the end of this form.

Section 4 - Reporting Number of Animals Used - Part B

Complete for Mouse or Rat Breeding colonies (experimental or stand-alone)

Use this Breeding Colony Excel spreadsheet and upload it to the 'file upload' box when prompted.

Note: please complete multiple forms if you need to report additional animal strains

Details to record for each strain:

Reporting year only

No. of animals used as breeders in reporting year:

No. of embryos aged 10.5+ days generated in reporting year*:

No. of pups born in reporting year:

No. of animals issued to an approved application in reporting year:

No. of animals humanely killed as excess in reporting year:

Duration of project

Total No. of animals approved on breeding colony application**:

Total No. of animals used as breeders in project to date:

Total No. of embryos aged 10.5+ days generated in project to date:

Total No. of pups born in project to date:

Total No. of animals issued to an approved application to date:

Total No. of animals humanely killed as excess in project to date:

*Record number of embryos generated to supply experimental demand, e.g. to get 3 het males a litter of 6 embryos was needed

**Numbers listed in Section 5.1 Animals Required

Section 5 - Report of Activity for the Period of 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024

Have there been any problems that may have interfered with progress of the project?*
Have any unexpected adverse events occurred in the reporting period?*
Have they all been reported to the AEC?*
Has the number of animals used varied from the number approved?*
Are any changes to the project envisaged?*

Please note that an amendment needs to be approved by the AEC before any proposed changes to the project can be implemented

Have there been any problems that may have interfered with progress of the project?*
Have any unexpected adverse events occurred in the reporting period?*
Have they all been reported to the AEC?*
Has the number of animals used varied from the number approved?*

Please upload your 'Addiditonal Animal Species' table and/or the 'Breeding Colony' table here

Drag and drop files here or
Has anyone listed on this application ever been found guilty of an offence or been issued with a notice/infringement or order under an Animal Welfare legislation either in Australia or overseas?*

The information will be used to inform our regulators that The University of Adelaide and its associates are fit and proper persons eligible to conduct animal research. Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. You many be liable to a civil penalty for giving false and misleading information.

Alternatively indicate you wil contact Amanda on 08 8313 6310 or to discuss.

First Name/Surname