SBS Scripted Project Proposals

About You

Please provide some details about yourself as the applicant

Company Information

Project Information

Maximum 300 words

Length and number of episodes - e.g. 4 x 1 hour, 6 x 10 minutes

Project Stage*

Please include materials in Attachment section.

Please provide names and creative roles. Include bios in Attachment section.

Further Project Info

Does your project hold any current marketplace attachments?*
Have you pitched this project to SBS before?*

If yes, please be aware that SBS accepts second pitches only when there has been significant redevelopment

If yes, please provide details. Otherwise leave blank.

Is your story based on a real person or events?*
Do you or your company hold the rights to your project or story?*
If your project is based on a book or underlying work, do you hold an option?*

Select N/A if not applicable

Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Gender equity, diversity and inclusivity are priorities for SBS. We therefore expect that the diversity of the story world and characters are reflected in the creative team and/or that integrated and meaningful collaboration occurs from early stages of development. Also, consider whether your team has the right to tell the story and whether your telling of it will be authentic.

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Diversity examples include :- gender and gender identities (LGBTQI+), age, location including regional and remote regions, Aboriginal identity, cultural and linguistic diversity, disability, sexuality and socio economic status.

Does your project include Indigenous themes or content?*

Audience and Charter

Please select all that apply

Select or enter value
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A copy of the charter can be accessed here:

Please include links as well as any relevant information about how to access, passwords etc.


Please attach the following (maximum 10 files): 1. Eg. script, treatment, bible, pitch document 2. Biographies of key creatives 3. Evidence of marketplace attachments, if relevant 4. Other supporting material

Drag and drop files here or