Stronger Connections Grant - Post Award Revisions

The Post-Award Revision (PAR) process provides an opportunity for Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) recipients to adjust/revise the activities and budget that have previously been approved through the grant review process. While minor changes may not need to be captured through the PAR process, any adjustments to the budget that alter the overall scope or goals of SCG activities require review and approval. Please reach out to for any questions regarding the SCG or the PAR process.

For Charter School applicants, please enter your authorizing district or CSI followed by your school name. Example: "ABC District - ABC Charter School"

School, District, and BOCES codes can be found on CDE's Data Pipeline Frequently Requested Codes webpage. For Charter School applicants, please enter your authorizing district, BOCES, or CSI's code followed by the school code - "0000-1111"


Please provide a short summary of the revisions that are submitted. Please include any contextual information that reviewers may need for the approval of the revisions.

Please upload the LEA’s updated budget. Any revisions should be highlighted for reviewers. The name of the document should include the submission date. As a reminder, the budget may not exceed the amount of the initial award

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