Arizona Department of Education Service Provider Registration

Arizona Department of Education is using ClassWallet for parents to manage and make payments using their Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA).

In order to receive payment from ESA, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. The pre-registration form found on this page. *If you are a paraprofessional, therapist, or tutor you must provide proof of certification and the expiration date of the certification.
  2. Upon approval, you will receive an email with a link to the ClassWallet website and the required next steps.

Please note, we are unable to provide business or tax advice, nor offer any guidance related to vendor category selection including the types of services to provide to ESA families. For these types of questions please consult with a private business advisor. Additionally, if you have questions regarding credentials, please review the credential requirements in the ESA Parent Handbook. Finally, if you do not receive a response to your submission in 3-5 business days, please resubmit a new registration form. ClassWallet and/or the Department reserves the right to deny a registration or remove a vendor at any time.

Questions for ClassWallet? If you have been approved, but have not received the "Step 2" email or for questions regarding how to enter your information and/or credentials through ClassWallet, please contact or 877-969-5536.